
144 Kg To Lbs

Converting Kg to Lbs

What is Kg?

Kg stands for Kilogram, which is a unit of weight or mass commonly used in the metric system.

What is Lbs?

Lbs stands for Pounds, which is a unit of weight or mass commonly used in the imperial system.

How to convert Kg to Lbs?

To convert Kg to Lbs, simply multiply the Kg value by 2.20462.


To convert 144 Kg to Lbs, simply multiply 144 Kg by 2.20462.
144 Kg is equal to 317.56928 Lbs.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

1. a. 110 LBS itu berapa kg? b. 80 LBS itu berapa kg?


110 lbs itu 48,895 Kg atau dibulatkan jadi 50kg

80 lbs itu 36,287 kg atau di bulatkan jadi 36 kg

1 lbs = 453,6 gram

2. 1 LBS itu lebih besar atau lebih kecil dari 1 kg? Dan berapakah 1 LBS itu dalam kilogram?

dura ratus ribu 
oal ko sok sa je nak

3. 1 kg itu berapa lbs?

ya.."lbs" itu apa...?
lbs itu apa?
apa itu lbs?


4. If 2.2 lbs = 1.0 kg, and Megan Progress weighs 130 lbs, what is her weight in newtons?


as it is given that

2.2 lbs = 1 kg

here we know that Megan Progress weighs 130 lbs

so its mass in kg is given as

m=130 1/2.2=59.1 kg

now to find the weight in Newton unit we can say


W=59.1 * 9.8


so 130 lbs weighs as 579 N in SI units



5. apa kekurangan dan kelebihan LBS

LBS mempunyai kelebihan sbb:
- tetap berfungsi bila berada di dalam gedung
- impact interferensi medan elektromagnetik yang lain tidak terlalu besar

Kekurangan LBS sbb:
- coverage sangat bergantung pada coverage selular

6. 30 lbs berapa kilo gram?

30 lbs = ... kg
30 lbs setara dengan 13,64 kg

Maaf kalo salah...

7. Berapakah atom karbon yang terdapat dalam 10 lbs gula, C12H22O11? (1 lbs = 0,454 kg) ???​


massa atom karbon = 1,91134 kg


1 lbs = 0,454 kg

10 lbs = 4,54 kg


jumlah atom karbon = 12

Ar C = 12

Ar H = 1

Ar O = 16

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = (12 × Ar C) + (22 × Ar H) + (11 × Ar O)

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = (12 x 12) + (22 + 1) + (11 x 16)

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = 144 + 22 + 176

Mr C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ = 342

massa C = [tex]\frac{jumlah~atom~C~x~Ar~C}{Mr~C_{12}H_{22}O_{11}}~x~massa~C_{12}H_{22}O_{11}[/tex]

massa C = [tex]\frac{12~x~12}{342} ~x~4,54[/tex]

massa C = 0,421 x 4,54

massa C = 1,91134 kg

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang

Kadar unsur dalam senyawa Kadar senyawa


8. 250 gram sama dengan berapa lbs?

250 gram sama dengan 0.551156 lbs

sama dengan 0,551156 udh setau aku itu

9. terbuat dari bahan yang mampu menahan setidaknya 150 lbs daya dari arah manapun. apa kepanjangan dr lbs?

kepanjangan dari lbs adalah location based services
Location based services,

10. Jelaskan/sebutkan 1 lbs berapa kg


1 lbs/1 pound=0,454 kg

11. yang meninggal desa lbs 35 orang dengan angka kelahiran kasar 70 tentukanlah jumlah penduduk lbs

tinggal 70 dikurang 35
hasil 35
maaf klo slh

12. jelaskan pengertian ABSW,FCO,LBS,dan RECLOSER

1.LBS(load break switch)mrpkan saklar pemutus arus tiga fase untuk penempatan di luar ruas pd tiang pancang,yg dikendalikan scra elektronis.
2.ABSW(air break switch)adlh peralatan hubung yg berfungsi sbgi pemisah dan biasa dipasang pd jaringan luar.
3.RECLOSER(penutup balik otomatis/PBO)adlh peralatan yg digunakan untuk memproteksi bila ada gangguan.
itu yg saya tahu...Maaf klo salahh....

13. suatu tembaga mempunyai massa jenis 16.000 kg/m³, maka besarnya volume 144 kg adalah.......m

ρ Cu = 16.000 kg/m³
massa Cu = 144 kg

besar volume Cu adalah :
ρ = m / v
16.000 = 144 / v
v = 144 / 16000
v = 0,009 m³

14. sederhanakan perbadingan 144 kg dan 96kg adalah​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

144 : 96

sama sama dibagi dengan 48 menjadi

3 : 2

jadi, bentuk sederhananya adalah 3 : 2

15. Sebuah balok terbuat dari beton dengan panjang 1 m, lebar 0,5 m dan tinggi 2 m. Jika berat jenis material balok = 7850 kg/m³, jika 1 lbs sama dengan 0,46 Kg berapakah beratnya?.


3611 lbs

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

berat=volume balok x berat jenis

[tex]x = (1 \times 0.5 \times 2) \times 7850 \\ x = 1 \times 7850 \\ x = 7850kg \\ x = 7850 \times 0.46 \\ x = 3611 \: lbs[/tex]


17.065,22 lbs

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

P = m/v => m = P × v

P= massa jenis, V= Volume benda

Karna bendanya balok: V= P × L × T

= 1×0,5×2= 1 m³

Maka m = 7850 × 1 = 7850 Kg = 7850/0,46 lbs

= 17.065,22 lbs

16. 10 poin berapa berat telur jika berat seluruh sumbangan tersebut 144 kg ​

Jawab: jawabannya 36 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah: caranya ada digambar

17. Jika ibu harus memerlukan 144 kantong , untuk 36 kg beras, berapa kg per kantong? - kalo jawabannya 4 kg, bener?

144 : 36 = 4 kg

Jadi, jawaban kamu benar.

18. Diketahui bruto 148 kg dan neto 144 kg. Nilai tara dan persentase taranya adalah...​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Tara=bruto(berat kotor)-netto(berat bersih






=148-144=4 Kg

Persentase Tara dari Bruto




19. 144 kg per jam sama dengan titik-titik M/S​


144km/jam = 40m/s

maaf kalau salah

20. kapan berdirinya Lembaga Budaya Sunda ( LBS )

berdirinya tahun 1987
berdiri pada tahun 1978

144 Kg To Lbs. There are any 144 Kg To Lbs in here.

Caber In Future Tense

Good morning everyone! Today we are going to be talking about Caber In Future Tense. Caber In Future Tense is an online platform that allows you to explore and forecast the future of the digital world. Through its predictive analytics and AI-driven features, Caber In Future Tense enables you to make better decisions and plan for the future. So, let's dive in and learn more about this exciting tool! **What is Caber In Future Tense?** Caber In Future Tense is an online platform that uses predictive analytics and AI-driven features to help you explore and plan for the future. It can help you identify trends and anticipate potential outcomes, so you can make informed decisions and plan strategically.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Exercise 2Put the verb in the brackets in the correct form oftense (the present Future Tense, the future Continuoustense, or The Future Perfect Tense).​​


ada contoh kalimat nya gak klo gak ada aku ga bisa jawb

2. •make 5 sentences in FUTURE TENSE.•make 5 sentences in FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE (using Will).•make 5 sentences in FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE ( using be going to).•make 5 sentences in FUTURE PERFECT TENSE.#tolong bantuin ya kak soalnya mau dikumpulkan besok:)​



1. I will eat my dinner this night with you

2. We will visit him later

3. He will buy a bag at supermarket next week

4. She is going to cook a fish for her husband

5. They are going to make a cake this afternoon


1. She will be swimming this morning

2. Anna will be doing make up for this night

3. They will be going to minimarket later

4. We will be watching the match before 8 p.m

5. I will be staying here for a several days.


1. I am going to eating dinner at 6 p.m

2. I am going to studying next week

3. He is going to doing his homework

4. They are going to making a cake

5. We are going to watching the television


1. We will have gone when you get here

2. I will have done this homework tomorrow

3. On this saturday, We will have been married for 10years.

4. She will have been at the library at 3 p.m

5. He will have finished the exam 2 minutes again.

3. makr seven passive sentences in past tense,present perfect tense, future tense

maksudnya apaan? apanya yang dicari?

past tense :
1. I saw her standing there
2. She went home two minutes ago
3. They went to Tokyo last month
4. She went to Bogor a week ago
5. I did not sleep last night
6. If he had enough money, he would that guitar
7. He came with his wife yesterday

4. Mention 5 future tense choose the correct form of the verb in simple future tense with answer !


present tense

present future

present perfect

present perfect future

present prefect future countinous

5. rewrite the sentences in future tense minta tolong sekarang​


1. I will stay at home.

2. You will not drink coffee.

3. She will speak Japanese.

4. He will not feed the dog.

5. They will not take photos of flowers.

6. We will be at the movie theater.

7. My parents will clean the house.

8. He will ride a bicycle.

9. She will wear a dress.

10. We will not travel by the train.

seoga membantu!! maaf ya kalau salah


Future tense adalah kalimat tenses yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kejadian yang belum terjadi atau akan terjadi di masa depan dan berakhir di masa depan.




S + will + Verb 1 + O


atauS + To Be (is, am, are) + Going To + Verb 1 + O


S + Will + NOT + Verb 1 + O

S + Will + NOT + Verb 1 + Oatau

S + Will + NOT + Verb 1 + OatauS + To Be (is, am, are) + NOT + Going To + Verb 1 + O


Will + S + Verb 1 + O ?

Will + S + Verb 1 + O ?atau

Will + S + Verb 1 + O ?atauTo Be (is, am, are) + S + Going To + Verb 1 + O ?







6. Change the following sentence into present perfect tense, future tense, past continuous tense and future tense : Armand drinks some coffe in the canteen​

Present perfect: Armand has drunk some coffee in the canteen

Simple future: Armand will be drinking some coffee in the canteen

Past continuous: Armand was drinking some coffee in the canteen.

7. simple present : Revi studie engglis one on a week ubah menjadi kalimat Present future tense, Past future tense, Present continuous tense, Past continuous tense, Present future tense, Past future tense, Present future continuous tense, Past future continuous tense, Present future perfect tense, Past future perfect tense, Present future perfect continuous tense, Past future perfect continuous tense​


Revi studying English one on a week


(memakai cara present continuous tens)

8. buat satu cerita yang mengandung simple future tense,future continous tense dan future perfect tense

Simple future tense: I will visit museum tomorrow I will go to uncle's home with my family. I will be eating a lot of cake there. my uncle is the best chef. I will have been living there for a week by the end of the mont

9. perbedaan future tense dengan future continous tense

Future tense : menyatakan kejadian yang akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang
Future continuous tense : menyatakan kejadian yang akan sedang berlangsung/terjadi pada waktu yang akan datang 
terus kalau rumusnya
future tense: v+modals+v1+o
sedangkan kalau future continuous tense: v+modals+be+v ing+o Future tense adalah pola untuk kalimat yang menggambarkan masa yang akan datang yang kepastiannya belum ada

Future continuous adalah pola kalimat yang menggambarkan masa sekarang atau yang sedang berlansung dan hingga masa yang akan datang

10. Rumus simple future tense, future continuous tense, future perfeek tense

s.future tenses= will + V1 atau will + be + nonverb
future continous tenses= will + be + ving
future perfect = will + have + V3

11. verba dari: Simple Past Future Tense Past Future Continuous Tense Past Future Perfect Tense Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Simple Past:Killed
Future Tense:Will Kill
Past Future Perfect Tense: Would have killed
Past Future Perfect Tense:Would have been killing

12. rumus-rumus future tense ?contoh soal future tense ?latihan soal future tense ?

positif :(+)S + will + bare infinitive
S + be(am/is/are) + going + infinitiveYou will winThey are going to come
negatif :(-)S + will + not + bare infinitive
S + be(am/is/are) + not + going + infinitiveYou won’t winThey aren’t going to come
interogatif :(?)Will + S + bare infinitive
Be(am/is/are) + S + going + infinitive ?Will you winAre they going to come
Rumus Simple Future Tense
1. Positif
Subject + will/shall + verb I + object
Subject + am/is/are + going to + verb I + object
Contoh :
We will go to school soon
The students are going to have a test next month
2. Negatif
Subject + will/shall + verb I + object
Subject + am/is/are + not + going to + verb I + object
Contoh :
We will not go to school soon
The students are not going to have a test next
3. Pertanyaan
Will/shall + subject + verb I + object
Am/is/are + subject + going to + verb I + object
Contoh :
Will we go to school soon ?
Are the students going to have a test next month ?Latihan Soal Simple Future TenseBerikut latihan Simple Future tense bahasa inggris. Jika mengalami kesulitan dalam arti kata gunakan kamus bahasa inggris online :Latihan : terjemahkan kalimat ini kedalam bahasa inggris1. Nia dan Dona akan pergi ke Pasar besok sore.
2. Tina dan Tita akan menghadiri perayaan pernikahan Eva nanti malam.
3. Saya akan menulis lagu cinta untuk Dona.
4. Guru akan menghukum murid-murid yang terlambat.
5. Fadhli akan mengendarai sepeda motor barunya.

13. write the pattern future tense in passive voice


Future tense is a tense which tells about the future activity . The pattern for active sentence is
S + will + V1 +O
Meanwhile the passive voice of it is
O + will be + V3 + by + S
Here is the example:
- The actress will be chosen by the director next week.
- Her book will be published by Macmillan next month.
- She will be arrested by the police soon.

Kelas: SMA
Mapel : English
Kategori : future passive

14. 16. in pairs, analyse the differences between simple future tense(will), future continuous tense(will be...) and future perfect continuous

Pada soal di atas yang diminta adalah analyse the differences between tenses atau menganalisa perbedaan antara simple future tense (will...), future continuous tense (will be...) dan future perfect continuous tense (will have been...). Tetapi yang diminta pada tabel yang no tiga adalah future perfect tense (will have...). Untuk menjawab semua pertanyaan, pada pembahasan di bawah adalah jawaban untuk empat pertanyaan tersebut.


Melihat jawaban yang sudah dibuat sebelumnya, masih ada kesalahan dan kekurangan. Untuk itu, berikut ini adalah koreksi untuk jawaban yang sudah dibuat tersebut tentang perbedaan antara simple future tense (will...), future continuous tense (will be...), future perfect tense (will have...) dan future perfect continuous tense (will have been...):

Simple Future Tense

Pattern : S+Will+V1

Sentence example : Ando will go to Tokyo

Fungsi : Simple future tense untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi akan terjadi di waktu yang akan datang.

Time signals : Will

Indonesian : Ando akan pergi ke Tokyo

Future Continuous Tense

Pattern : S + will + be + V-ing

Sentence : Tito will be studying together

Fungsi : Future continuous tense untuk mengungkapkan aksi yang akan terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa depan dan aksi atau kejadian tersebut memiliki durasi waktu.

Time signals : Will be

Indonesian : Tito akan belajar bersama (dimana kegiatan belajar bersama di masa yang akan datang tersebut berlangsung beberapa saat atau memiliki durasi waktu)

Future Perfect Tense

Pattern : S + will + have + V-3

Sentence : At this time next month, I will have finished my English course.

Function : Future perfect tense untuk mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aktivitas akan sudah selesai pada suatu titik waktu di masa depan.

Time signals : Will have

Indonesian : Pada waktu yang sama di bulan depan, saya akan telah menyelesaikan kursus bahasa Inggris

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Pattern : S + will + have + been V-ing

Sentence : Next year I will have been studying English in Australia.

Function : Future perfect continuous tense untuk mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aktivitas akan sudah dilakukan pada masa yang akan datang dan aktivitas tersebut akan berlangsung beberapa saat atau memiliki durasi waktu.

Time signals : Will have been

Indonesian : Tahun depan saya akan telah belajar bahasa Inggris di Australia (dimana kegiatan belajar bahasa Inggris tahun depan tersebut akan telah berlangsung beberapa saat atau memiliki durasi waktu).

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Struktur 16 tenses dalam bahasa Inggris Contoh soal cari tenses Perbedaan 12 tenses beserta contoh


Detil Jawaban

Kelas : X  

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris - Stating intention / future plan

Bab : 3  

Kode : 10.5.3


15. apa sih perbedaan mendasar simple future tense, future continous tense, future perfect tense dan future perfect continous tense? tolong yaa.

biasanya perbedaan mendasar nya adalah waktu terjadinya dan biasanya juga verb nyaFuture Tense atau Simple Future digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang Akan Terjadi.
Future Continuous tense pada umumnya digunakan untuk menandakan bahwa kita akan berada ditengah-tengah suatu kejadian dalam waktu tertentu di masa depan
Future perfect tense adalah kata kerja untuk mengungkapkan bahwa aktivitas akan sudah selesai
Future perfect continuous tense adalah kata kerja untuk mengungkapkan bahwa aksi akan

#maaf kalau salah ,kalau betul,pilih jadi jawaban terbaik ya

16. Kalimat simple future tense, future continuous tense, future perfect, future perfect continuous tense, masing masing 1

*Simple future tense:
(+) They will come to the party tonight
(-) They won't come to the party tonight
(?) Will they come to the party tonight?
Answer : Yes, they will atau No, they won't

*Future continuous tense:
I will be watching a movie tonight

*Future Perfect tense:
She will have graduated from senior high school next year

*Future Perfect continuous tense:
Next year my family will have been staying at Tokyo for 3 yearsSimple Future Tense : "Students will clean the classroom tomorrow morning."
Future Continous : "She will be cooking the food for her husband next morning.
Future Perfect : "He will have been studying in Cairo for a year by the end of next month."
Future Perfect Continous : "Nisa and her family would have been living at their new house if its construction had finished."

17. 3. Write a sentence in future continuous tense.​


i wil be a chef


18. Perbedaan Future Tense dengan Future Continuous Tense ?

future tense itu v+modals+v1+o , future continous tense itu v+modals+be+v ing+o
Future tense : menyatakan kejadian yang akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang
Future continuous tense : menyatakan kejadian yang akan sedang berlangsung/terjadi pada waktu yang akan datang 

19. buatlah sebuah dialog sederhana yang mencakup future tense (simple future tense,future continuous tense, future perfect tense)

A : where will you be next weekend?
B : I will be at the beach. At this time next weekend I will be lying on the beach, getting a suntan and drinking cold drink.
A : Ahh, I envy you. I want to go too but I have to do a school report.
B : When will it be finished?
A : I think by the time you get back from the beach I will have finished the report.
B : Okay, then. Let's get a drink after I get back, shall we?

20. contoh kalimat positif,negarif tanya dari present perfect tense present perfect continuous tense Simple Past Tense past continuous tense past perfect tense past perfect continuous tense simple future tense future continuous tense future perfect tense future perfect continuous tense Simple Past future tense past future continuous tense past future perfect tense past future perfect continuous tense​











sorry cuman bisa bantu segini

Caber In Future Tense. There are any Caber In Future Tense in here.

What Is 0 11111 As A Fraction

What Is 0 11111 As A Fraction?


A fraction is a type of numerical expression that represents a part of a whole. It is written as two numbers separated by a slash (/). 0 11111 is a fraction that is written as 0/11111.

Simplifying Fractions

In order to simplify a fraction, both the numerator and denominator must be divided by the same number until the fraction cannot be further simplified. 0/11111 can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 11111. The simplified fraction is 0/1, which is equal to zero.

Equivalent Fractions

The fraction 0/11111 is equivalent to other fractions, such as 0/2, 0/3, 0/4, and so on. This is because each of these fractions can be simplified to 0/1.

Equivalent Decimals

The fraction 0/11111 is also equivalent to a decimal. When 0/11111 is written as a decimal, it has a value of 0.0000.

Uses of Fractions

Fractions are commonly used in mathematics, science, and many other fields. They can be used to represent parts of a whole, to express ratios, and to compare values.
0 11111 as a fraction is equal to 0/11111, which can be simplified to 0/1 and is equivalent to 0.0000 as a decimal. Fractions are widely used to represent parts of a whole, to express ratios, and to compare values.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

1. what is 12 inches to 44 inches as a fraction?​


64ths 32nds 16ths 8ths 4ths half whole decimal


Load Calculator!

1/64 0.0156

2/64 1/32 0.0313

3/64 0.0469

4/64 2/32 1/16 0.0625

5/64 0.0781

6/64 3/32 0.0938

7/64 0.1094

8/64 4/32 2/16 1/8 0.1250

9/64 0.1406

10/64 5/32 0.1563

11/64 0.1719

12/64 6/32 3/16 0.1875

13/64 0.2031

14/64 7/32 0.2188

15/64 0.2344

16/64 8/32 4/16 2/8 1/4 0.2500

17/64 0.2656

18/64 9/32 0.2813

19/64 0.2969

20/64 10/32 5/16 0.3125

21/64 0.3281

22/64 11/32 0.3438

23/64 0.3594

24/64 12/32 6/16 3/8 0.3750

25/64 0.3906

26/64 13/32 0.4063

27/64 0.4219

28/64 14/32 7/16 0.4375

29/64 0.4531

30/64 15/32 0.4688

31/64 0.4844

32/64 16/32 8/16 4/8 2/4 1/2 0.5000

33/64 0.5156

34/64 17/32 0.5313

35/64 0.5469

36/64 18/32 9/16 0.5625

37/64 0.5781

38/64 19/32 0.5938

39/64 0.6094

40/64 20/32 10/16 5/8 0.6250

41/64 0.6406

42/64 21/32 0.6563

43/64 0.6719

44/64 22/32 11/16 0.6875

45/64 0.7031

46/64 23/32 0.7188

47/64 0.7344

48/64 24/32 12/16 6/8 3/4 0.7500

49/64 0.7656

50/64 25/32 0.7813

51/64 0.7969

52/64 26/32 13/16 0.8125

53/64 0.8281

54/64 27/32 0.8438

55/64 0.8594

56/64 28/32 14/16 7/8 0.8750

57/64 0.8906

58/64 29/32 0.9063

59/64 0.9219

60/64 30/32 15/16 0.9375

61/64 0.9531

62/64 31/32 0.9688

63/64 0.9844

64/64 32/32 16/16 8/8 4/4 2/2 1/1 1.000

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

baca tuh

2. express fraction 347 as an improper fraction is?

347 is a whole number, so you can make it to an improper fraction by adding a denominator with the value of 1.

[tex] = \frac{347}{1} [/tex]

3. apa Itu PecahanWhat is Fraction​

pecahan = pembagian

maaf klau salah

4. what is the fraction of 0.34​


berapakah fraksi 0.34

5. express 13% as a fraction


semoga membantu

6. what fraction of 60 kg is 36 kg

36/60 = 3/5

semoga membantu ya :)

7. 31/80 fraction as a decimal​

Jawaban :0,3875Penjelasan :

31 / 80 = 31 : 80 = 0,3875

31/80 = 0.3875

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah

Pecahan Desimal (Decimal Fraction)

Note that 80 × 125 = 10000.

31/80 = (31×125) / (80×125)
31/80 = [(30+1)×125) / 10000
31/80 = (3750+125) / 10000
31/80 = 3875 / 10000
∴ 31/80 = 0.3875  (answer)

8. What fraction of the figure is coloured?


i. 1/2

ii. 7/16

9. what is the fraction of 0.34​


berapa fraksi 0,34

maaf kalok salah

10. Wei kiat is 4 times as old as hafiz (a) find the ratio of wei kiat's age to hafiz's age (b) what fraction of wei kiat's age is hafiz's age(c) what fraction of their total age is hafiz's age(d) find the ratio of wei kiat's age to their total age​


a. 4:1

b. [tex]\frac{4}{1}[/tex]

c. [tex]\frac{1}{5} x 5[/tex]

d. 4:5

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

a. The ratio of wei kiat's age to hafiz's age is


b. the fraction of wei kiat's age is hafiz's age


c. the fraction of their total age is hafiz's age

because the total of their age is five so here the fraction [tex]\frac{1}{5} x 5[/tex]  

d. the ratio of wei kiat's age to their total age is


Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang pecahan dan ratio pada


11. The fraction below is read as 2/7


Dibaca: two sevenths


Pecahan dibaca dengan menyebutkan penyebutnya (yang di kanan atau di bawah garis miring) tidak sebagai angka biasa tapi angka pecahan yaitu:

2 = half

3 = third

4 = quarter

5 = fifth, 6 = sixth, 7 = seventh, 8 = eight, 9 = ninth)

Jadi 1/7 disebut one seventh, tapi 2/7 two sevenths

Semoga bermanfaat

12. divide a fraction by 6. 1/12 less than the result is 1/2. what is the fraction?​

1/12 : 6/1 = 1/12 x 1/6 = 1/72

13. What is the missing fraction? 16 : 8 is equivalent to ... of 16 *​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



14. 6. If we express the fraction of 4/25 as a percentage, the result is​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Percentage means a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.

N% = N/100

100% = 100/100 = 1

Given a fraction of a/b, its equivalent percentage is:

(a/b × 100)% = (100a/b)%

Or, if the denominator (b) is a factor of 100, it is easier to calculate as follows.

(a/b × 100)% = (a × 100/b)%

We want to express 4/25 as a percentage.

4/25 = 4/25 × 100%

        = (400/25)%

        = 16%


4/25 = 4/25 × 100%

.... (occupying commutative law because 25 is a factor of 100)

        = (4 × 100/25)%

        = (4 × 4)%

        = 16%

The latter is easier, I think.

∴  Conclusion:

If we express the fraction of 4/25 as a percentage, the result is 16%.

15. what is the meaning of improper fraction and mixed fraction

Apa arti fraksi dan pecahan fraksi yang tidak tepat.


16. a This fraction has a denominator that is 2 more than its numeratorThe sum of its numerator and denominator is 8.What fraction is it?​


gak bisa bahasa Inggris ouh

17. What is the fraction of 0.19



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

18. What is the fraction of 0.05


Answer: 0.05 as a fraction is written as 1/20.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalo salah baru ;)


0,05 = [tex]\frac{5}{100} = \frac{1}{20}[/tex]

note : sorry if wrong

19. What fraction of the figure is shaded?

Misalkan luas daerah terarsir adalah x.

Diketahui dari soal:
Luas x sama dengan 2/5 luas persegi panjang P
x = 2/5 P ... (i)
Luas x sama dengan 1/4 luas persegi panjang Q
x = 1/4 Q ... (ii)

Jika kedua persamaan (i) dan (ii) digabungkan,

x = 2/5 P = 1/4 Q
P = 1/4 × 5/2 Q
P = 5/8 Q ... (iii)

Ditanya :
Pecahan yang menyatakan perbandingan luas x dengan luas seluruhnya.

Luas seluruhnya = (P - x) + x + (Q - x)
Luas seluruhnya = P + Q - x
*substitusi persamaan (ii) dan (iii)*
Luas seluruhnya = 5/8 Q + Q - 1/4 Q
Luas seluruhnya = (5 + 8 - 2)/8 Q
Luas seluruhnya = 11/8 Q

Jadi perbandingan x dengan luas seluruhnya adalah
x : luas seluruhnya
= 1/4 Q : 11/8 Q
= 1/4 × 8/11
= 2/11

20. This fraction has a denominator that is more thanthe sum of its numerator and denominator is awhat fraction is it?the fraction isbthis fraction has a numerator that is 3 less thanthe sum of its numerator and denominator is 13what fraction is it?​


1. fraction has a detominator that is more tahn sum of ITS numerator

What Is 0 11111 As A Fraction. There are any What Is 0 11111 As A Fraction in here.

46 Cm To Inch

The topic of 46 cm to inch is a common one that comes up in math classes. It is important to understand the basic conversion between centimeters and inches. To convert centimeters to inches, you need to divide the number of centimeters by 2.54. This will give you the number of inches. In this case, 46 cm is equal to 18.11 inches. **Q: How do you convert cm to inches?** A: To convert centimeters to inches, you need to divide the number of centimeters by 2.54. This will give you the number of inches.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. 1. 42 Inch = ... cm 2. 6 Inch= ... cm

jawaban saya adalah
=> 1. 42 Inch = 106 , 68 cm
=> 2. 6 Inch = 15 , 24 cm
semoga membantu1 inch = 2,54 cm

1. 42 inch = 42 × 2,54 cm
= 106,68 cm

2. 6 inch = 6 × 2,54 cm
= 15,24 cm

kalau benar jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

2. adalanceukDiketahui 1 inch = 2,54 cm. Sebuah mistar panjangnya 12 inch. Berapa panjang mistar tersebutdalam satuan cm? (Petunjuk: faktor konversi inch ke cm adalah 1 inch = 2,54 cm).​


Itu pertanyaan. Nya yah kak.


Pertanyaan diperjelas lagi kakak.

3. 1 inch = 2,54 cm 4 inch= m

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 inch=2,54 cm

4 inch=2,54×4

4 inch=10,16 cm

4 inch=10,16/100

4 inch=0,1016 m

4inchi=10,16 cm

10,16 cm÷100=0,1016

4. Jika setiap 1 yard = 90 cm dan setiap 1 inch = 3 cm. Berapa inch kah panjang dari 3 yard ? ...​

1 yard=90cm

3 yard=270cm

1 inc = 3 cm

x inc =270 cm

maka 270:3=90 inc

5. Jika setiap 1 yard : 90 cm, setiap inch : 3 cm, berapa inch kah panjang dari 3 yard.

1 yard = 90 cm, 1 inch = 3 cm.
maka 3 yard = 270cm
jadi 3 yard = 90 inch

6. 1 cm berapa inch ?????????????????//

0.4 jangan lupa terima kasih ya!!!
1 cm = 1:2,54 = 50:127 = 0,3937007974 inch

7. Jika setiap 1 yard = 90 cm dan setiap 1 inch = 3 cm. Berapa inch kah panjang dari 3 yard ? ...

1 yard=90cm. 3yard=3×90=270cm
1 inch=3cm. 270cm ÷3cm =90 inch

maaf salah :)1 yard = 90 cm
1 inch = 3 cm
1 yard = 90: 3
= 30 inch

jadi, 3 yard = 30 × 3
= 90 inch

maaf kalau salah ya,. :)

8. 8 inch sama dengan berapa cm

1 inch =2,54 cm
jadi 8 inch adalah
= 8×2,54 = 20,32 cmMAPEL = MTK

1 inchi = 2,54 cm
8 inchi = 8 × 2,54 =
20,32 cm

moga bermanfaat ;)

9. Jika setiap 1 yard = 90 cm dan setiap 1 inch = 3 cm. Berapa inch kah panjang dari 3 yard ? ...

3 yard= 270 cm
270 : 3=90
jadi 3 yard adalah 90 inch(90 cm x 3) : 3 = 270 cm : 3 = 90 inch

Maaf klo salah

10. 1.Dua buah Pizza memiliki jari-jari masing-masing 9-inch dan 12-inch. Jika Pizza 9-inch dijual denganharga $10,80 dan biaya per satuan luas (inch) untuk Pizza 9-inch dan Pizza 12-inch adalah sama.(note: 1 inch = 2.54 cm, $1 = Rp 13.000, 1 = 3.14). (LO2 & LO3, Score 20)a. Hitunglah luas Pizza 9-inch dan Pizza 12-inch (dalam cm).b. Berapa rupiah harga Pizza 12-inch.​

Maaf kak apakah kk tau jawaban tersebut kalau tau bolekah saya minta ajarkan.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

11. Jika setiap 1 yard = 90 cm dan setiap 1 inch = 3 cm.Berapa inch kah panjang dari 3 yard ?

3 yard = 3 × 90 cm = 270 cm = 270 cm/3cm × 1 inch = 90 inch

12. diketahui 1 inch= 2,54 cm ,sebuah mistar panjangnya 42 inch ,berapa panjang mistar tersebut dalam satuan cm?

dik 1 inci=2,54 cm
panjang mistar =42 inci
berapa panjang mistar dalam satuan cm
42 inci = 106,68 cmdik
1 inch: 2,54
42 inch

dikaliin aj
gabisa atau malas cari -_-

13. ♥︎THUIZZZ♥︎[tex]85 \:[/tex][tex]157,48 \: cm \: ...inch[/tex]Dua doang♥︎​


85 inch = 215,9 cm

157,48 inch = 399,99 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 inch = 2,52 cm

85 inch = 85 × 2,54 cm = 215,9 cm

157,48 = 157,48 × 2,54 cm = 399,99 cm

Semoga membantu, jadikan jawaban terbaik ya (≧∇≦)


85 incih 215,9 cm

157,45 cm incih 61,988

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


14. Jika setiap 1 yard = 90 cm dan setiap 1 inch = 3 cm. Berapa inch kah panjang dari 3 yard ? ...

3 yard = 3x 90cm
= 270 cm

Jika 1 inch =3cm
Maka 270/3 = 90 inch

15. Jika setiap 1 yard = 90 cm dan setiap 1 inch = 3 cm. Berapa inch kah panjang dari 3 yard ?

3x90/3=90 Inch
maaf kl salah

16. Jika setiap 1 yard 90 cm dan setiap inch 3 cm berapa inch kah dala 3 yard

1 yard = 90 cm
1 inch = 3 cm
3 yard = 3 × 90 : 3 = 90 inch

17. 4. Jika setiap 1 yard = 90 cm dan setiap 1 inch = 3 cm. Berapa inch kah panjang dari 3 yard ? ...

karena 1 inch =3 cm
maka 90 cm adalah 3×30 berarti ada 30 inch
1 yard =90 cm(30 inch)
maka 3 yard=30 inch ×3=90 inch

Jadi 3 Yard adalah 90 Inch

Penyelesaian :

Setiap 1 yard = 90 cm
1 inch = 3 cm

1 yard = 90 ÷ 3
1 yard = 30 inch

Yang ditanya, :
3 yard = 30 × 3
3 yard = 90 inch

panjang dari 3 yard yaitu 90 inch✔

Moga membantu :)

18. Jika setiap 1 yard: 90 cm, setiap 1 inch : 3 cm, berapa inch kah panjang dari 3 yard :

3 yard
= 3 × 90 ÷ 3
= 90 inch

19. apakah ada yang tau 2.7 inch berapa cm?

1 inch = 2,54 cm
2.7 inch = 2.7 x 2,54 =6,858 cm1 inch=2.54 cm.
1 inch di ki 2.7 inch=6.858 cm.

20. 30 inch=....................cm³

1 inch = 2.54 cm
30 inch * 2.54 = 76.2cm * 1000 = 76200cm³

46 Cm To Inch. There are any 46 Cm To Inch in here.

260 Pesos In Dollars

**If there is a question, the short answer is:** **The exchange rate between the Mexican Peso (MXN) and the US Dollar (USD) is currently around 0.05 USD to 1 MXN. Therefore, 260 MXN is equal to about 13 USD.**

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. mengapa dalam pesos masyarakat mengalami konflik?

karena tidak dilakukan musyawarah dalam menyelesaikan masalah,terjadi kesalahpahaman antar masyarakat karena tidak dilakukan nya musyawarah,dalam menyampaikan pendapat tidak saling menghargai yaitu memotong pembicaraan orang lain,kurangnya kerja sama, maraknya sifat individualisme,dan kurangnya sifat tolong menolong

-maaf cuma bisa bantu segitu
-maaf kalau ada yg salah pilih aja yg menurut anda cocok dan benar

2. Assume that the two transactions are denominated in u.s. dollars. prepare the entries required for the dates of the transactions and their settlement in u.s. dollars.


tolong terjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia

3. $10.35 is ___ dollars and ___ cents (Write your answer in numerals)


10 dollars and 35 cents

semoga bisa betul

4. 1.200 dollars=... Rupiah​

18.212.880,00 Rupiah Indonesia


1.200 Dolar Amerika Serikat sama dengan

18.212.880,00 Rupiah Indonesia


maaf maaf kali kalo salah

5. Ten dollars were given atau ten dollars was given

ten dollars were givenjawabannya tergantung pada lembar dollar-nya.

bila lembar 1 dollar-nya berjumlah sepuluh lembar kertas; ten dollars were given

tetapi bila 10 dollars dalam 1 lembar kertas ; ten dollars was given

6. Berapa jumblah $450.000.00 dollars

Rp 6.478.200.000,00 (1 USD = Rp 14.396.00)

Mepel: ekonomi
Materi: Kurs
Dik: 1 $ = Rp 14.396.
Jika $ 450.000 x 14.396
= Rp 6.478.200,-

7. 28 dollars = $ ke decimal​


RP 403.277,00

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

gak usah pake langkah langkah

8. How much does the man have to pay for the room’s cost?Gambar Tanpa TeksA. 86 dollarsB. 88 dollarsC. 98 dollarsD. 89 dollarsE. 96 dollars​

Jawaban: 88 dollars (B)

Penjelasan:  80  tambah 10 % : 80 tambah 8 : 88 (10% dari 80 : 8)

9. What will you do with one million dollars in your life ?


I Will buy a PC Gaming for Mining Bitcoin haha :v


for my future, use that money as well as possible


10. 10. How much money does the teller give to Ray?A. Fifty dollarsB. Twelve dollars.C. One hundred dollars.D. One hundred and twenty dollars.E. Twelve hundred thousand dollars.​


E. Twelve hundred thousand dollars.


Jawaban: hundread and twenty dollars


$120=one hundread and twenty dollars

one hundread=seratus

twenty =dua puluh


seratus dua puluh dolar

kalo salah maaf

11. A value meal in a fastfood restaurant cost 75 pesos each write function P which determine the price you need to pay for value meal

Let the unit of value meal = x
P = 75x pesos

12. 11000 dollars berapa rupiah ?

11.000 dolar = 11.000 × Rp13.000 = kurang lebih Rp143.000.000

Maaf kalau salah dan semoga membantu :D1 dollar = Rp.13.501
11 dollar X Rp. 13.501 = Rp. 148.511

Maaf kalo salah , coba bantu jawab

13. 12 dollars sama dengan berapa rupiah

12 dollars now is about 160,800 rupiahs240.000

maaf klau salah

14. apa yg dimaksud dengan dollars


dollars adalah mata uang salah satu negara contohnya amerika mata uangnya dolar

1$=ini adalh mata uang amerika


15. 120+ =260, = jawab: =260-120 260 120 - jadi,120+140 = 260 atau = 140



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalau salah maaf banget

16. If Alex has five thousand dollars and Dori one million dollars, how many dollars do they have?​


If Alex has five thousand dollars and Dori one million dollars, how much money do they have?​

They have one million and five thousand dollars.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran General Knowledge (pengetahuan umum) dan Cardinal Number (bilangan pokok) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

They have one million and five thousand dollars. = Mereka memiliki satu juta lima ribu dollar. = US$ 1.005.000,-

Semoga membantu ya.


1.005.000/one million five thousand


five thousand=5 ribu/5.000

one million=1 juta/1.000.000

how many=berapa banyak





17. On a day, the exchange rate between the Singapore dollars (SGD) and the US dollars (USD) is 1 SGD = 0.816 USD, correct to 3 decimal between the places. The exchange rate Australian dollars (AUD) and the US dollars is 1 AUD = 1.073 USD, correct to 3 decimal places. (a) Find the exchange rate, correct to 3 decimal places, between Singapore dollars and Australian dollars in AUD/SGD. (b) Mr Lim has a son studying in a university in Sydney. He has to remit 25 000 AUD to him. Find the required amount of Singapore dollars correct to the nearest dollar.​


(a) To find the exchange rate between Singapore dollars and Australian dollars in AUD/SGD, we can use the given exchange rates:

1 SGD = 0.816 USD

1 AUD = 1.073 USD

To convert from SGD to AUD, we can first convert SGD to USD, and then convert USD to AUD:

1 SGD = 0.816 USD

1 SGD/0.816 USD = 1.22549019608 SGD/USD (using the reciprocal of 0.816)

1 AUD = 1.073 USD

1.073 USD/1 AUD = 0.93121440823 AUD/USD (using the reciprocal of 1.073)

Now, to get the exchange rate between SGD and AUD, we can divide the AUD/USD exchange rate by the SGD/USD exchange rate:

0.93121440823 AUD/USD ÷ 1.22549019608 SGD/USD ≈ 0.759 AUD/SGD

Therefore, the exchange rate between Singapore dollars and Australian dollars in AUD/SGD is approximately 0.759, correct to 3 decimal places.

(b) To find the required amount of Singapore dollars to remit 25,000 AUD, we can use the exchange rate we found in part (a):

1 AUD = 0.759 SGD (approximately)

Therefore, 25,000 AUD is equivalent to:

25,000 AUD × 0.759 SGD/AUD ≈ 18,975 SGD

Rounding to the nearest dollar, the required amount of Singapore dollars is 18,975 SGD.


a. 1×0.816÷3÷1.073=0, 253494874

b. 25000÷3=8.333, 33333

18. . How much did Jake withdraw from his saving? *4 poinGambar Tanpa Teksa.sixty dollarsb. eighty dollarsc. fifty dollarsd. ninty dollarse. ten dolars​


gambarnya gak ada kak..




sayang kukukukukuku

19. over a million dollars in cash ... from the bank of east asia in central.



lebih dari satu juta dolar tunai.....dari bank asia timur tengah



20. Did you read the news about the person who won 150 million dollars in the lottery?

I didn't read the book yetDid you read the news about the person who won 150 million dollars in the lottery?

- Apakah kamu membaca berita tentang orang yang memenangkan 150 juta dolar dalam lotre.

No, I didn't
Tidak, Saya tidak membaca berita tentang orang yang memenangkan 150 juta dolar dalam lotre.

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat

260 Pesos In Dollars. There are any 260 Pesos In Dollars in here.