
Unscramble C A U S E D

What is Unscramble?

Unscramble is an activity that helps students practice their spelling and vocabulary skills. It involves unscrambling a set of letters to form a word.

How to Unscramble C A U S E D?

To unscramble the letters C A U S E D, the student must rearrange the letters to form the word "caused".

What Does Caused Mean?

The word "caused" means to bring about or create a particular result. It can also mean to produce an effect.
Examples of Caused
Here are some examples of the word "caused": "The storm caused a power outage." "The loud noise caused the baby to cry." "The accident caused her to be late to work."

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. What's the country _ u s _ a _ e r _ _ _ y _ n _ _ a _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ a Unscramble country Aeeiblns : Aaicrb : Iibhrst :

Rusia Germany India Indonesia 1. ? 2. Arabic 3. ?

2. unscramble/rearrange these words : R-u-s-d-y-e-o-n-a-o-u-e (Rusdyeonaoue) = O-d-a-n-t-b (Odantb) = a-h-l-s-t-o-n-k-a-t (ahlstonkat) = u-s-e-y-p-e-m-a-l-r (useypemalr) =


(Rusdyeonaoue) (Odantb) (Ahlstonkat) (Useypemalr)


jadikan jawaban yang terbaik

3. Unscramble these letters and write the words: 1. n - t - e - m - i - t - e -s - r - e - v - d - A 2. C - a - r - h - i - t - y 3. n - t - e - a - u - t - o - F - r 4. S - r - t - e - h - e - l 5. o - n - t - a - e - D 6. R - e - s - i – a 7. t - c - C - n - o - e - r 8. F - r - u - e - n - s - i - d - r - a

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Scrambling Words


1. Advertisement.

2. Charity.

3. Fortunate.

4. Shelter.

5. Donate.

6. Raise.

7. Concert.

8. Fundraiser.

Semoga membantu.

4. unscramble the questions.

2. Where is the school located?
3. when do classes start?
4.what sports facilities are there? there a dance club?b. where is the school located ?
c. when do classes start ?
d. what sport facilities are there ?
e. there is a dance club ?

5. Unscramble the words to make a sentence


6. Quiz+25Unscramble the word !R - P - D - I - I - S - E - T - N - A - E - LClue : Relating to the head of the government and the fundamental leader of the country. Not the Noun (job) but the Adjective.​





Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Arranging Letters (menyusun huruf) menjadi sebuah Adjective (kata sifat) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Adjective adalah kata sifat yang berfungsi untuk memodifikasi / memperkuat makna dari kata benda yang menjadi rujukannya dalam kalimat.

Kata "Presidential" memiliki makna bagi seseorang untuk memiliki sikap dan perilaku yang sesuai dengan jabatannya sebagai presiden, yaitu perilaku / sikap yang bermartabat dan percaya diri.

Semoga membantu ya.

7. unscramble the latters to make words then write sentences with the words 1. I E W E J L Y E R 2. C r i m y h e n a 3. r y a v c e d i v 4. e v e l d r y i

1. Jewelry
2. Machinery
3. Discovery
4. Delivery

8. Unscramble the letters to make words. C-l-e-a-r-t-i



9. unscramble this word * tsays*

Tsays bila diacak kembali, hasilnya menjadi 'stays'.stays...............

10. unscramble the following letters to make meaningful words N T O E D S L O E


lodestone artinya batu magnet


semoga membantu dan maaf kalau salah

11. unscramble smeomites​


An ancient term: primitive segment) is a set of bilateral paired paraxial mesoderm blocks formed in the embryonic arrangement of somitogenesis, along the head-to-tail axis of a segmented animal. In vertebrates, some are divided into sclerotomes, myotomes, syndromes, and dermatomes that cause vertebrae in the vertebral column, ribs and occipital bones; skeletal muscles, cartilage, tendons, and skin (the back). [2]


Gray19 with color.png

Transverse section of half the embryo from forty-five hours incubation. The back surface (back) of the embryo points up this page, while the ventral surface (front) goes down.


Dorsum of the human embryo, 2.11 mm long. (The old term primitive segment is used for somit usage.)


Carnegie Stage


For days

20 [1]


paraxial mesoderm

Give rise to

dermatome, myotome, sclerotome

The identifier









Anatomical Terminology

[edit on Wikidata]

The word somite is sometimes also used as a metamere word. In this resolution, some are paired structures that are homologous in the animal's body plan, as seen in annelids and arthropods. [3]


12. unscramble and write questions. ​


2.The lion is 2.5 meters long.


itu harus ngeliat yang di activity 4 dan activity 4 listening jadi saya cmn tau satu karena buku saya sama tapi listening blm di stelin sama gurunya..

jadi cmn bisa jawab satu maaf yaa..

13. Unscramble the sentences.

2. I rarely go rafting in spring.
3. She always wears boots in snow.
4. he never goes skiing in spring.
5. They often play tag in summer.
maaf kalo salah2. I rarely go rafting in spring
3. She always wears winter boots in the snow
4. He never goes skiing in the spring
5.They often play tag in summer

14. unscramble the words to make a sentence !​


1. I enjoy watching football. How about you

2. My name is Karina, How about yours?

3. Where your house? We live is here.

4. What's your as job? I work an engineer


6. Would you like a seat some tea?

7. I am Karina, Is this Carl my friend.


maaf kalo salah

nomor lima aku kurang bisa jawabnya

mohon maaf :)

15. unscramble this letters to find the jobsl-b-i-c-r-a-y-e-r-k

jawabannya bricklayer

16. unscramble the words​


1. There's a book on my desk.

2. There are many trees near my house.

3. There's some food in the fridge.

4. There's a party at 9.00.

5. Are there any cafes?

Maap kalo salah


1. There's a book on my desk

2. There are many trees near my house

3. There's some food in the fridge.

4. There's a party at 9.00.

5. Are there many cafe?


1. Ada buku di mejaku.

2. Ada banyak pohon di dekat rumahku.

3. Ada beberapa makanan di lemari es.

4. Ada pesta jam 9.00.

5. Apakah ada banyak kafe?

17. unscramble = uraikan kata tersebut !!​


smartphone jawabannya

18. unscramble this letters to make adverb1. Foulbdytul = D2. Ueaenytllv = E3. Nsgeeryoul = G​

Adverb of manner adalah kata keterangan yang menceritakan bagaimana sesuatu itu terjadi.

Biasanya ditempatkan setelah atau sebelum kata kerja utama atau setelah objek.

Unscramble this letters to make adverb  (Uraikan huruf dibawah ini menjadi adverb)

1. Foulbdytul =  Doubtfully

2. Ueaenytllv =  Eventually

3. Nsgeeryoul = Generously


Penggunaan Adverb of manner:

1. Tidak bisa diletakkan diantara kata kerja dan objek langsung. Adverb harus ditempatkan sebelum kata kerja atau diakhir klausa.

She happily receive the money (Correct)

2. JIka ada preposisi sebelum kata kerja, maka adverb bisa ditempatkan sebelum preposisi atau setelah objek

She looked after the dog carefully

She looked carefully after the dog

3. Adverbs selalu ditempatkan langsung jika kalimatnya tidak mempunyai objek (intransitive verbs).

She waited patiently for her friends

Pelajari lebih lanjutApa itu adverb of manner kalimat adverb of manner


Detil jawaban

Kelas: 7

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Adverb

Kode: 7.5.7

Kata Kunci: Adverb of Manner

19. Unscramble these words bellow 1. N I V R E N T E O M 2. A N I C N A B I M L S Translate the words. Make a sentence


Pisahkan kata-kata ini di bawah

1. N I V R E N T E O M

2. A N I C N A B I M L S

Terjemahkan kata-kata. Buatlah sebuah kalimat

20. Unscramble word below into correct word! (clue: everyday object)SAPRWNEPE : [] [] [] [S] [] [] [] [] []​


Newspaper ( koran)


tolong dijadikan jawaban terbaik ya

Unscramble C A U S E D. There are any Unscramble C A U S E D in here.

Teaspoons In A Pint

Teaspoons In A Pint

What is a Teaspoon?

A teaspoon is a small spoon used for stirring, measuring, and serving tea and other beverages. It is typically made of stainless steel, silver, or plastic, and is typically 5 milliliters (ml) in volume.

What is a Pint?

A pint is a unit of volume measure in the imperial and United States customary systems of measurement. It is equal to 16 fluid ounces or 473.2 milliliters (ml).

How Many Teaspoons Are in a Pint?

There are 96 teaspoons in a pint. This is because there are 16 tablespoons in a pint and there are 3 teaspoons in a tablespoon. This means that there are 48 teaspoons in a half pint and 96 teaspoons in a full pint.

Converting Pints to Teaspoons

To convert pints to teaspoons, simply multiply the number of pints by 96. For example, 2 pints would equal 192 teaspoons.
Using Teaspoons for Measuring
Teaspoons are commonly used for measuring small amounts of ingredients in cooking and baking. It is important to use the correct size teaspoon when measuring ingredients so that the recipe turns out correctly.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

1. how many teaspoons should a 15 yers-old patient take in on day?​


one tea spoon ,,,,,,,,,, sorry if wrong

2. Pls bantu jawabannya apa :( Haley picked 7/8 peck of strawberries. She plants to put them in pint containers. A pint container is 1/16 of a peck. How many pint containers does she need?


14 pints

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

=7/8 ÷ 1/16

=7/8 × 16/1

=14 pints

3. berapa persen 6 pint dari 2 gallon ( 1 gallon =8 pint

1 gallon = 8 pint
2 gallon = 2 x 8 = 16 pint

= 6/16 x 100
= 37,5

jadi 6 adalah 37,5% dari 2 gallon

4. 8. Jika 1 liter = 1.76 pint dan 1 gallon = 8 pint, maka 75 liter = A. 16.5gallon B. 26.5 gallon C. 600gallon D. 1056gallion E. 10.5gallon

maka 75 liter

[tex] \frac{1,76 \: pint}{8 \: pint} \times 75 \: liter = 16,5 \: gallon \: ( \: A \: )[/tex]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

75 × 1,76 ÷ 8

=> 132 ÷ 8


[tex] \frac{132}{8} [/tex]


[tex] \frac{66}{4} [/tex]


[tex] \frac{33}{2} [/tex]

=> 16,5 gallon

5. Jelaskan mengenai reading view dalam aplikasi power pint​


Sebuah pratinjau di dalam jendela tentang bagaimana presentasimu akan tampak, termasuk transisi dan animasi.

6. tolonggh bangeetttt ntar pint mayannn​


1.Kebo Bule Mati Setra:b

2. Ula Marani Gepuk:a

3.Jamur tuwuh ing Sela:e

4.Kuntul diunekake dhandang:c

5. Kuthuk nggendhog Kemiri :d


Semoga Membantu Lebih Tepatnya Di Pepak Bahasa Jawa ada

7. cepet jawab aku kasih pint 60​

Jawaban: How is the wether in USA

                 USA is a little hot right now. gr

                The temperature is about 26 c

8. 1 pint sama dengan berapa quart?


maaf kalau salah

sorry tidak bisa dijelaskan

9. teks tanggapan kritis kridit pint disekolah

itu sangat bagus dan cermat

10. what does pint mean ? ​


pint saya kurang tau tapi saya ingin jawab

11. 365/100 disederhanakan sekecil mungkin free pint

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

ini jawabannya. tanda coret itu maksudnya atau. tergantung soal. dia minta versi pecahan, atau bilangan biasa



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

365 73

------ = -----

100 20

12. Siapa nama lain malaikat penjaga pint u neraka

malaikat malik nama lainnya

nama lain malaikat malik adalah Zabaniyah (sekaligus gelarnya)

13. bantu jawab pliss butuh sekarang pint banyak ​





Ditnaya:keliling bangun diatas adalah?

Penyelesaian pertama:




Penyelesaian kedua:






Peneylesaian ketiga:





14. perjemahkan dari mom,do we have any teaspoons​


Mom, do we have any teaspoons?

Artinya: Bu, apakah kita punya sendok teh?



Jawaban:=mom,do we have any tteaspoons

Jawaban:=mom,do we have any tteaspoons=ibu, apakah kita punya sendok teh


15. apa arti kata dibawah ini arti teaspoons ,serving,and cookies​


sendok teh, saji, dan kue


teaspoos: sendok teh

sering: penyajian

cookies: kue


semoga membantu

16. 12. How much lemonade extract do we need? *a. 2 teaspoonsb. 2 tablespoonsc. 8 teaspoonsd. 100 ml​


d. 100 ml

aku agak ragu nih soalnya gak ada soal hehe


D. 100ml


semoga membantu:)

17. apa gunanya pint dalam brainly?

1. jika kita ingin menanyakan pr di brainly kita harus mempunyai poin
2. minimal memberikan 10 poin jika ingin bertanya jadi jika org menjawab pertanyaan yang kita berikan akan mendapatkan 5 poin . setiap pertanyaan max yang menjawab 2 orang (10/2=5poin/orang)
untuk mendapat peringkat sekaligus untuk mengajukan pertanyaan/PR disekolahmu.

18. Bahasa inggrisnya Ada 5 Bush pint dirumahku

there 5 bush pint in my house

semoga membantu ya

19. ada yang bisa jawab ku kasih 10 pint

Jangan lupa follow dan jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya

20. Kebutuhan minimal asam-asam amino essensial harian bagi orang dewasa dapat terpenuhi dgn mengkonsumsi susu 1 pint. 1 pint sama dengan berapa liter ? *​


1 pint sama dengan 0,57 liter

Teaspoons In A Pint. There are any Teaspoons In A Pint in here.

Shellcode Is Not Specific To A Particular Processor Architecture

What Is Shellcode?

Shellcode is a set of instructions, usually written in assembly language, that is used to perform tasks on a computer system. It is commonly used in the exploitation of software vulnerabilities, allowing an attacker to gain control of the target system.

Shellcode Is Not Specific To A Particular Processor Architecture

Shellcode is not processor-specific, meaning that it can be used on different processor architectures. This is because assembly language is designed to be portable across different architectures, so the same instructions can be used regardless of the processor. This makes it much easier to write shellcode that can be used on multiple platforms.

What Does Shellcode Do?

Shellcode can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as launching a command shell, spawning a reverse shell, or downloading and executing a malicious payload. It can also be used to bypass security protections, such as Data Execution Prevention (DEP) and Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR).
Shellcode is a powerful tool in the hands of an attacker, as it allows them to gain control of a system regardless of the processor architecture. By understanding how shellcode works and the various tasks it can be used for, organizations can better protect their systems from attack.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. A report is written for a clear purpose and to a particular audience. Specificinformation and evidence are presented, analysed and applied to a particularproblem or issue. The information is presented in a clearly structured formatmaking use of sections and headings so that the information is easy to locate andfollow.artinya​


sebuah laporan ditulis untuk tujuan yang jelas dan untuk audiens tertentu. Informasi dan bukti spesifik disajikan, dianalisis dan diterapkan pada masalah atau masalah tertentu. Informasi tersebut disajikan dalam format yang terstruktur jelas menggunakan bagian dan judul sehingga informasi mudah ditemukan dan diikuti

"smga mmbntu

mhn maaf jk trdpt kslhn"

2. to apply for a particular position,the applicant not only have to make an application letter

untuk melamar suatu posisi tertentu, pelamar tidak hanya harus membuat surat lamaran

3. The word “Memories” is ____ for an essay. A. specific topic C. very specific topic B. not a vague topic D. a vague topic


D. A vague topic


Kata " memories" tidak jelas karena memories adalah kata jamak ( kata asalnya Memory ).

4. A... is an important paper you have to fill out in particular occasion.​

A documentis an important paper you have to fill out in particular occasion

5. A descriptive text describes a particular object like a place, thing, or person. What is the author's purpose in writing adescription? The author wants to describe the particular object by describing its or his her specific features to helpreaders visualize what a person, an animal, a park, or a thing is like.How is a descriptive text constructed? It starts with an opening paragraph. In the paragraph there is a topic sentencethat introduces he object going to be described A series of paragraphs follow the opening to describe the parts ot thefeatures or the specific characteristics of the subjectDanbelajaran​



Teks deskriptif mendeskripsikan objek tertentu seperti tempat, benda, atau orang. Apa tujuan penulis menulis a

deskripsi? Penulis ingin mendeskripsikan objek tertentu dengan mendeskripsikan fitur spesifiknya untuk membantu

pembaca memvisualisasikan seperti apa seseorang, binatang, taman, atau sesuatu.

Bagaimana teks deskriptif dibangun? Ini dimulai dengan paragraf pembuka. Dalam paragraf tersebut ada kalimat topik

yang memperkenalkan objek yang akan dideskripsikan Serangkaian paragraf mengikuti pembukaan untuk mendeskripsikan bagian-bagian

fitur atau karakteristik khusus dari subjek



maaf kalau slh

6. ..... is a set of instruction written to perform a specific tasktolong jawab kak ​

Programis a set of instruction written to perform a specific task.


Semoga membantu

& Maaf kalau salah

#Koreksi gmn tulisan yg bagus:v

7. Jenis CPU sesuai architecture:1. SPARC (Scalable Processor Architecture)2. X863. ARMPertanyaan : Apa yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya perbedaan tersebut dan jelaskan apa manfaatnya terhadap perkembangan teknologi komputer​



SPARC adalah microprocessor berarsitektur RISC yang didesain oleh Sun Microsystems tahun 1985. SPARC adalah merek dagang terdaftar dari SPARC International, Inc, sebuah organisasi yang didirikan pada tahun 1989 untuk mempromosikan arsitektur SPARC dan untuk melakukan pengujian.


Arsitektur ini dikenal dengan nama x86 karena prosesor-prosesor awal dari keluarga arsitektur ini memiliki nomor model yang diakhiri dengan urutan angka "86": prosesor 8086, 80186, 80286, 386, dan 486.


berikut penjelasannya. Secara umum, ada dua jenis arsitektur prosesor (baik untuk smartphone maupun komputer). Jenis pertama adalah RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer), jenis kedua CISC (Complex Instruction Set Architecture).


1Berkomunikasi menjadi lebih mudah dan

cepat. ...

2Memudahkan akses informasi. ...

Mempersingkat waktu dan memangkas biaya. ...

3Proses perdagangan dilakukan secara elektronik. ...

4Transaksi secara daring. ...

5Membuat proses komunikasi pembelajaran menjadi semakin menarik. ...

6Membantu proses komunikasi pemerintahan. ...

Komunikasi tanpa batas.


semoga membantu ya

kalo salah boleh minta tolong gak jangan dihapus

ya kak

8. A liquid is similar to a gas because has molecules are not fixed to each other in any specific way.carilah kata yang tidak tepata.similarb.hasc.each other d.way​


The incorrect phrase is ......


b.has ✔

c.each other



Based on your question above, the incorrect phrase is B option. The others are correct phrases.

When we use the subordinating conjunction "because," it must be followed by the clause, which consists both a subject and a verb. So, it should be written in the correct form ".....because their molecules are not fixed......" The possessive determiner "their" refers to a liquid and a gas.

"Because" or karena is one of phrases used to introduce the clause of purpose. It explains the reason "why."


.....Signal phrase[because]+Subject+verb

Example :

I can't buy a new Lamborghini because I don't have much money.

➠"Because I don't have much money" is part of the dependent clause, the adverb clause modifies the whole independent clause "I can't buy a new Lamborghini."

➠ Remember that we must add the clause after using the subordinating conjunction "because."


Learn more about

Cause and effect phrases



Grade : XII

Subject : English

Category : Sentence structure

Code : 12.5

Keywords : Errors, Cause and Effect, A liquid

9. to apply for a particular position,the applicant not only have to make an application letter but he/she also has to enclose a resume

tanya arti?

Untuk mengajukan sebuah posisi tertentu, pemohon tidak hanya harus membuat surat lamaran tapi dia juga harus melampirkan sebuah resume

10. excel formula to count cells that do not contain specific text

Arti dari Excel formula to count cells that do not contain specific text adalah: rumus Excel untuk menghitung sel yang tidak mengandung teks tertentu

11. A...Is a template with a specific design that can be applied to a slide or to the entire presentation




maaf kalo salah

12. AnswerArticle "a", "an", and "the"English has two articles: "the" and "a/an" "The' is used to refer to specific or particularnouns: "a/an" is used to modify non-specific or non particular nouns. We call the the definitearticle and "a/an" the indefinite article.A. Indefinite article (a/an)For example, if I say, "Let's read the book," I mean a specific book. If I say. "Let's read abook," I mean any book rather than a specific book.a + singular noun beginning with a consonant a boy, a car, a bike: a zoo, a dogan + singular noun beginning with a vowel: an elephant: an egg: an apple: an idiot anorphana singular noun beginning with a consonant sound a user (sounds like yoo-zeriebegins with a consonant 'y' sound, so 'a' is used): a university, a unicyclean + nouns starting with silent "h": an houra + nouns starting with a pronounced "h": a horse3. Definite article (the)The definite article is used before singular and plural nouns when the noun is specific orparticular. The signals that the noun is definite, that it refers to a particular member of agroup. For example:"The dog that bit me ran away." Here, we're talking about a specific dog, the dog that bit me. tolong terjemahkan dong... ​


Understand the text!


Detail jawaban:

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: VII (JHS)

Materi: Text

Kode: 2.1.1

Tanggal: 6-11-2020

//Semoga membantu.

13. a group of tissues to perform a particular job is called..a.tissueb.organc.organsystemd.organism​


a group of tissues to perform a particular job is called organ.

-> b. organ

Jadikan jawaban ini sebagai yang terbaik bila dirasa bermanfaat dan membantu!^^




Organ is a group of tissues that joint to do some tasks in our body. It consist of many different tissues but work together, i.e. stomach. Stomach composed by epithelium tissue, mucose, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, connective tissue, and much more. They perform digesting task in our body.

May this help you, Good luck :)

14. The purpose of to invite someone to invite someone to a particular event.a.Invitationb.Invitec.Cardd.Newspapere.Letter​


e. Letter


karena artinya letter itu surat


B. invite


karna pertanyaannya adlh Tujuan dari ......

adalah mengundang seseorang untuk mengundang seseorang ke acara tertentu.

jadi kesimpulannya adlh undangan yaitu B. invite

15. Selecting specific columns from a table to be displayed in a query is called _____________.


Select list from the source list


Memilih kolom tertentu dari tabel untuk ditampilkan dalam kotak pertanyaan disebut "Memilih daftar (tersebut) dari sumber data"

16. Artikan ini the social function of descriptive text is to describe a particular person,


fungsi sosial dari teks deskriptif adalah untuk mendeskripsikan orang tertentu




fungsi sosial dari teks deskriptif adalah untuk mendeskripsikan orang tertentu


berikut adalah translate Inggris-Indonesia

17. Article "a", "an", and "the"English has two articles "he" and "alan""The is used to refer to specific or particularnounsaan is used to modify non-specific or non-particular mouns we call me the definitearticle and "alan* the indefinite articleA. Indefinite article (a/an)For example, if I say. Let's read the book. i mean a specific book I say, "Les read abook" i mean any book rather than a specific book.a + singular noun beginning with a consonant a boy, a car: a bike: a zoo a dogan * singular noun beginning with a vowel an elephant an egg an apple and anorphana + singular noun beginning with a consonant sound a user sounds like yoo-zer lebegins with a consonanty sound, so at is used a university a unicyclean + nouns starting with silent h: an houra + nouns starting with a pronounced 'n': a horseB. Definite article (the)The definite article is used before singular and plural nouns when the noun is specificoparticular. The signals that the noun is definite that it refers to a particular member of agroup. For example:"The dog that bit me ran away." Here, we're talking about a specific dog the dog that itme.Tolong diterjemahkan dong​


Complete the text!

= a + kata benda tunggal yang diawali dengan bunyi konsonan yang terdengar seperti yoo-zer le

dimulai dengan suara konsonan, jadi at digunakan unicycle universitas

an + kata benda dimulai dengan silent h: satu jam

a + kata benda dimulai dengan 'n' yang dilafalkan: kuda

B.Artikel pasti (the)

Kata benda pasti digunakan sebelum kata benda tunggal dan jamak jika kata benda itu spesifik

tertentu. Sinyal bahwa kata benda itu pasti merujuk pada anggota tertentu dari a

kelompok. Sebagai contoh:

"yang menggigitku lari." Di sini, kita sedang berbicara


Detail Jawaban:

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: VII (JHS)

Materi: Text

Kode: 2.1.1

Tanggal: 7-11-2020

//Semoga membantu

18. VIULUIa. gifts in general b. a specific gift gift,but not specific1........ I received a Valentine's gift.2......, The gift was very thoughtful.3........ Is it better to give or receive gifts?​


1. one girft but not specific

2. Specific gift

3. Gifts in general

19. 4. what is the writer's purpose in writing the text?a. to describe a particular itemb. to tell readers the pattern of a particular itemc. to explain about the material of a particular itemd. to mention the colors of a particular item5. The clutch has black.....white colorsa.orb.butc.andd.soBantu kak, jangan ngasal​


4.A. to describe a particular item



4. A. To describe a particular item

5. C. And

20. Weather is the physical condition of the atmosphere at a particular time. Meaning particular


Particular in the sentence functions as an adjective, it means especially great or intense.


Kata particular atau yang berarti khususnya dalam kalimat tersebut berfungsi sebagai kata sifat, artinya sangat bagus atau hebat.

Semoga membantu ya.

Shellcode Is Not Specific To A Particular Processor Architecture. There are any Shellcode Is Not Specific To A Particular Processor Architecture in here.

Range In Asia Crossword

Range In Asia Crossword is a puzzle activity designed to help students learn about geographic features in Asia. It involves solving a crossword puzzle that covers a range of topics related to Asia, including countries, cities, physical features, and other related topics. The goal of the activity is to help students gain a better understanding of the region. **Question:** What is the goal of the activity? The **goal** of the activity is to help students gain a better understanding of the region.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

1. 5 riddle in crossword plissss

2. Something you wear in winter, to keep you warm.
4. Men wear them on their legs. (British English)
5. You wear it to keep the top half of your body warm in winter.

1. Men wear them on their legs. (American English)
3. You wear it around your neck.

1. Pants
2. Coat
3. Tie
4. Trousers
5. Sweater

- Semoga dapat membantu. -

2. fill in the crossword puzzle tolong bantu​

Isi teka teki silang. Semoga salah

3. fill in the crossword with the correct word​


pertanyaannya mana? masa cuma perintah nya aj


ga bisa dijawab karna ga ada soal nya. lain kali di sertakan foto soalnya ya

4. fill in the following Crossword by writing down the missing world in each sentecetolong dijawab soalnya mau dikumpulin​


1. Pollute

2. Provide

3. Kill

4. Protect

5. Recycle

6. Throw

7. Reduce

8. Conserve


10. Burn

Maaf kalau salah, dan maaf no 9 g keisi..

Agak bingung gada cluenya^^

5. in the went into the crossword puzzleCDC.1РcRR​


di pergi ke teka-teki silang

di pergi ke teka-teki silangC

di pergi ke teka-teki silangCD

di pergi ke teka-teki silangCDC.

di pergi ke teka-teki silangCDC.1

di pergi ke teka-teki silangCDC.1Р

di pergi ke teka-teki silangCDC.1Рc

di pergi ke teka-teki silangCDC.1РcR

di pergi ke teka-teki silangCDC.1РcRR


maaf kalau salah{karna saya translate }

6. fill in the crossword and find the hidden words pliss tolong dibantu ya..​


"Hidden words"-nya adalah I know the English verbs.


Fill in the crossword and find the hidden words!

Pertama-tama cari semua kata-kata dari 1-20

smilewalkcountphonewaitwritethink eatmeetdrinksingplaylikeasklaughdrivesleeprunbuildswim

Setelah itu, bila kata-kata di atas telah dimasukan ke dalam masing-masing kotak, kata-kata tersembunyi atau "hidden words"-nya adalah "I know the English verbs."

Semoga membantu! :-)









8. EAT



11. SING

12. PLAY

13. LIKE

14. ASK




18. RUN


20. SWIM





7. No. 9 di crossword ini apa?




Moh.Yamin adalah orang yanf menuliskan dan membaca teks sumpah pemuda pada tanggal 28 10 1928

8. Match the pictures with the answer in the crossword.

Atas: Fork, Radio, Picture Cupboard
Bawah: Bottle, Window, Television

9. Complete this crossword

Show the whole crossword.

10. fill in the following Crossword by writing down the missing world in each sentecetolong dijawab soalnya mau dikumpulin​

1. bigger

1. better

2. easier

3. fatter

4. happier

5. worst

6. cheaper

7. colder

8. longer

9. funnier

10. hotter

11. cleaner

12. taller

13. deeper

In general linguistics, the comparative is a syntactic construction that serves to express a comparison between two entities or groups of entities in quality or degree - see also comparison for an overview of comparison, as well as positive and superlative degrees of comparison.

11. ......range in color from pale​


1. a. canaries

2. d. generally trap

3. a. vertical distribution of power

4. d. a leap year, it

5. c. involving

6. c. altough

lanjutanya soalnya terpotong jadi tidak bisa membantu nomer 7-11

12. K Fill in the crossword puzzle.Le3.1.puzzle5.Р2.​


Letak insang berada di sisi kepala, bentuknya seperti sisir


K Fill in the crossword puzzle.







13. solve the crossword ​


6. niece

7. married?

8. stepbrother

9. stepsister

11. children

12. nephew

13. husband?

14. crossword please bantu ​






5.not late/beginning






maaf klo salah


2. wet

5. right

6. light

9. proper

11. near

13. cold

15. young

17. full

15. Fill in the following crossword and Read The Answer Aloudtolong Kak plisss ​


2. comet

7. saturn

yang across pertanyaannya kepotong, kamu komentarin di jawaban aku dong pertanyaannya biar bisa aku bantu jawabin


3. asteroid

4. mars

6. satellite

7. saturn

9. eclipse

16. fill in the following crossword by writing down the missing word in each sentence


1. bigger

1. better

2. easier

3. fatter

4. happier

5. worst

6. cheaper

7. colder

8. longer

9. funnier

10. hotter

11. cleaner

12. taller

13. deeper

In general linguistics, the comparative is a syntactic construction that serves to express a comparison between two entities or groups of entities in quality or degree - see also comparison for an overview of comparison, as well as positive and superlative degrees of comparison.

17. Crossword.. Help me..

1. basketball
4. volleyball
10. baseball
7. football
8. judo
6. running
13. tennis
14. diving
15. fencing
17. golf
18. smiwmming
19. canoeing
20. riding

maaf acak dan ada yang belum.soalnya sekalian nentuin kolom wkwk

18. Food Crossword Puzzle ​


FoodCrosswordPuzzleArtinyaTeka-teki silang makanan


19. fill in the following crossword by writing down the missing word in each sentence ​

halo ka!! tolong kasi text nya yaa agar bisa di jawab :)

20. "jawablah Crossword diatas!"​


1. above

2. in front of

3. behind

4. on

5. around

6. above

7. in

8. between

Semoga membantu!!

Jaikan yg terbaik yaa!!


1. under

2. in front of

3. beside

4. on

7. in

8. Between

9. behind


maaf ya klu salah, semoga membantu

Range In Asia Crossword. There are any Range In Asia Crossword in here.

Graph The System Below And Write Its Solution

Graph the System and Write its Solution

What is a System of Linear Equations?

A system of linear equations is a set of two or more linear equations with the same set of variables. These equations can be written in the standard form of ax + by = c, where a, b, and c are real numbers, and x and y are variables.

How to Graph a System of Linear Equations?

To graph a system of linear equations, plot each equation on a coordinate grid. Then identify the points of intersection, which will be the solution to the system of equations.

Example System of Linear Equations

Consider the following system of linear equations: 2x + y = 8 x + 4y = 10

Step 1: Plotting the Lines

To graph this system of equations, plot the lines for 2x + y = 8 and x + 4y = 10 on a coordinate grid. To do this, pick two x-values and two y-values and substitute them into the equations to find the corresponding points. For example, if x = 0 and y = 0, then 2(0) + 0 = 8 and 0 + 4(0) = 10, so the points (0, 0) and (8, 0) are on the first line, and the points (0, 10) and (2.5, 0) are on the second line.

Step 2: Identifying the Points of Intersection

Once the lines are plotted, identify the points of intersection, which will be the solution to the system of equations. In this example, the lines intersect at the point (2.5, 5).
The solution to the system of linear equations 2x + y = 8 and x + 4y = 10 is (2.5, 5).

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Choose a graph from below, and write a description using the information in the graph. ​*tolong deadline hari ini:))​


Maaf kalo salah


In the beginning of 2010, during january to August, the salmon catches were higher than the trout catches. but at September, the trout catches overtook the salmon catches

2. write conversations of the existing expressions and also its responses below suggest, offer, and opinion

Tulis percakapan ekspresi yang ada dan juga responnya bawah menyarankan, menawarkan, dan opini

3. Write the quadratic equation given its solution x = 3, x = 4

x=3 and x=4

We get

x-3 = 0 and x -4 = 0

Next to do

(x-3)(x-4) = 0

x²-7x+12 = 0

Hope this will help

4. Write the underlined words in the dialog below and write the meaning in Bahasa indonesia​


Arti: tuliskan kata yang digaris bawahi di dialog dibawah, dan tuliskan artinya di Bahasa Indonesia

5. read the sign below and write their maening​


1. Don't turn back

2. Don't turn left

3. Turn right

4. No car

5. Don't smoke


maaf bila salah


dilarang putar balik: Prohibited U-turn

dilarang berbelok ke kiri:no turning left.

belok kiri: turn Right

dilarang mobil melintas: no cars pasa

dilarang merokok: no smoking

maaf kalo. salah.. cuman jawab seingat saya

6. write sentences using the adjectives and nouns below!​


1. I buy a cheap motorcycle

2. Rina get the lowest score

3. yesterday was a sunny day

4. I must push the heavy desk

5. I love to eat plain pudding

6. Yusuf is a naughty boy

7. She can makes an interesting painting

8. my mom is a careful woman

9. We are late to go to school

10. I hate loud sound

7. Complete the sentences with the words below, and match each one to a graph. Mohonnn bantuannyaaaa!


1. His temperature was up and down all night, but now its stable at 37.5

2. Her heart rate fell to 20 bpm but now it's rising again

3. His blood pressure went up from 120/80 to 160/100

4. Her pulse rate was extremely low, but now it's up to 70

5. His respiratory rate varies between 10 and 25 bpm

6.  He was running a fever, but his temperature's back to normal now.

8. which graph represents the solution of the inequality -12x > 36​


the working and the answer are shown in the pic.

semangat belajar;))

9. which graph represents the solution of the inequality -12x > 36​


the working and the answer are shown in the pic.

semangat belajar;))

10. Write the positive present perfect and its example​

example :

1) I have bought a new car.

2) My sister has started a new job this week.

11. solve the following inequalities and graph the solution sets.a). |2x-5|≤7b). 8x-21 ≤-7 or 8x -21≥7​


tolong dikoreksi kembali,semoga membantu #backtoschool2019

12. Write the negative simple present and its example​

S + do/does not + bare infinitive

(kalimat negatif dibuat dengan menambahkan "not")

contoh: I Dont like white coffe

I doesnt mean a lot to me

13. listen the time and date, then write below

Bisa beri tahu mana time and date nya?

14. look a picture and write the caption below!


My beloved pussy


15. Draw the graph of y =2x-7 and find its gradient​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

16. Read the following label carefully. After that, explain the function of substances found in the product below. Write each substance and its fuction in the box provided below!


CCC cg vvvvvccccccccccccc




17. look at the pictures below and write the sentences

1. adi is brushing his teeth
2.jaki is sitting on a bench
3.farih is getting clothed
4.ricard is wearing a backpack and going to school
5.zani is sleeping
6.mike and aria are cooking together
7. aman,jason and rodrick are figthing
8.sivan and ivan are playing football
9.sasa is singing
10.mikael is running
11.very is bored in class
12.theo is bathing in the bathub
13.vonse is showering with his clothes
14.jovan is taking out the trash
15.joe is calling his friend
16yoga is walking with his dog
17.angel is washing her hair is washing his hand

18. Observe the notice below and explain its purposes.​


a. it's for take care of area don't until that area is dirty

b. it's for take care each other's don't touch anything if u not wash ur hands first

c. it's for take care of student don't until foreigners come in

d. it's for all people don't until when we pee the closet is clogged make ur pee or anything can not down

19. 4. How to avoid water pollution? Explain and write the solution from the article!​


artikelnya mana ya?


20. Read the riddles below and then write the answers!


1. Watermelon

2. Moon

3. Life

4. Birthday candles

5. Parachute

Semoga membantu :)

Graph The System Below And Write Its Solution. There are any Graph The System Below And Write Its Solution in here.