
Judge Judy Rocks Bikini

Judge Judy Rocks Bikini

A Positive Example of Aging Gracefully

Judge Judy Sheindlin, known as Judge Judy, is an American television personality and retired judge. She is best known for her long-running, Emmy Award-winning television series Judge Judy, which has been running since 1996. Recently, Judge Judy has been making headlines for her stunning bikini photos.

Judge Judy's Bikini Photos

Judge Judy has been sharing photos of her wearing bikinis on her Instagram page. She looks amazing and is inspiring people of all ages with her positive attitude and confidence to embrace their own bodies. Her photos show that you can age gracefully and still look and feel great no matter what your age is.
Takeaways from Judge Judy's Bikini Photos
Judge Judy's bikini photos are a great reminder to all of us that we should never be ashamed of our age or our bodies. She is an inspiration for all of us to embrace our age and to be confident in our own skin. Her photos prove that you can be stylish and beautiful no matter how old you are.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

1. gimana sih cara bikin don't judge me???(tolong ya kakak2)

cara bikin dont judge me challenge?

2. Kasih tau dong gimana langkah langkah kalo mau bikin video dont judge me challenge ??? Kasih tau yaakk

caranya download viva video trus pencet yg ngambar video trus di samping bawah ubah menjadi music video masukkan lagunya potong lagunya mau semana.
trus kalau mau berhenti pencet rec atau tombol hitam siap deh
atau add line aku aja namanya :putricamerlian

3. lagu yang biasa dipake kalo lagi bikin video "don't judge me challenge" tau gk sih? >bantu jwab yahh

jawabannya 7 years old,hehehehe (ngasal)

4. arti judge dalam bhs gaul apa sih ☺️​

menghakimi orang lain

Judge tuh kan bahasa Inggris jadi kalo di Indonesia artinya hakim.

Terus kalo dalam bahasa gaul setauku judge itu ngurusin hidup orang lain,padahal urusannya sendiri aja belum beres.

maaf kalo salah, itu murni dari gua bukan dari google kok

cuma setau gua aja.

semoga membantu ya pren ^^

5. siapa yang tahu Judy lagu. yang Ada kalimat Rambo rambo Saturday

judulnya rambo penyanyinya jazzy b

6. dont judge a man until...

have a strong evidanceyou've walked a mile in his shoes

7. Fungsinya judge dlm bhs inggris

Tempat BAB(buang air besar) ckckckckc

8. judge artinya di bahasa inggris​


Menghujat atau mengatakan hal yg buruk pada orng lain


Judge dalam bahasa Inggris berarti hakim

semoga membantu

9. There are..... rocks




a lot of / many / a few of

dua” nya bener… pilih salah satu

semoga membantu

10. apa arti dont judge me​


artinya don't judge me adalah

jangan menilai saya


semoga membantu


jangan menilai saya

semoga membantu terima kasih

11. Judy mengoleksi 1.800 kartu. 18% koleksi kartunya adalah kartu ulang tahun. kemudian, dia mendapatkan 20 kartu ulang tahun lagi. berapa banyak kartu ulang tahun yang dikoleksi Judy sekarang?​


18% x 1.800

= 18/100 x 1.800 = 324 kartu

324 + 20 = 334

12. apa arti dari break 10 rocks​

hancurkan sepuluh batu

maaf kalo salah

break 10 rrocks

Lempar 10 batu

13. Terjemahkan Tentang Rocks Ke Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Rocks jika diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia adalah


14. apa arti tepos, judge ?

tepos itu setauQ itu datar.. dan judge itu setauQ itu seperti menghina karna dia tidak suka dgn org trsbt.

15. artinya judge apa sih

Kategori soal: Bhs Inggris
Kelas: SMA

Kata 'judge' dapat memiliki beberapa fungsi di dalam kalimat, baik itu sebagai kata kerja atau verb, ataupun kata benda (noun).

Contohnya sebagai berikut:
'Judge' as a verb
 The students in the class always judge him as a boring person only because of his interest in reading and playing chess.
(Siswa-siswa dikelas selalu menghakimi / menganggap dia sebagai orang yang membosankan hanya karena minatnya dalam membaca dan bermain catur)

'Judge as a noun'
The judge in this trial is considered to be 'the corrupted one' due to his relation to the mafia in Sicily.
(Hakim di dalam persidangan ini dianggap sebagai hakim yang korup karena hubungannya dengan jaringan mafia di Sicilia).

Semoga cukup jelas.      

16. Apa yang dimaksud Line judge

line judge adalah hakim garis

17. Fungsinya judge dlm bhs inggris

Judge was used to be a guy who was useful when the judgement was going

18. rocks that are formed when molten................cools are called rocks........................can often be seen in the secret rocksscience​


nggak mau nggak suka gelayyy


maafkan saya

19. Rocks Rocks are very hard materials.terjemahkan dalam bahasa indonesia


"Batu-Batu adalah Bahan yang sangat keras"




batu adalah bahan yang sangat keras


mohon maaf kalau salah:)

20. apa perbedaan antara judge dan magistrate?

Magistrate biasanya menangani kasus kasus pelanggaran kecil dan biasanya bertugas di pengadilan "magistrtae court", para magistrate tidak dituntut memiliki sertifikat sah sebagai seorang pengadil dan biasanya hanya sekelompok penegak hukum yang diberi training dalam magistrate tidak dikenal dengan yang namanya isilah "hakim"
Judge menangani kasus yang lebih rumit dan bertugas di pengadialn Crown Court, di dalamnya dikenal dengan yang namanya istilah hakim yang nanti akan memutuskan  dengan berunding apakah bersalah atau tidak

judge = a public officer who hears and decides cases in a law court
magistrate = a person who has power to put the laws into force and sentence those guilty of lesser crimes

Judge Judy Rocks Bikini. There are any Judge Judy Rocks Bikini in here.

A Surface Receiving Sound Is Moved

What is a Surface Receiving Sound?

A surface receiving sound is a type of acoustic sensor that detects sound waves by physically vibrating in response to the sound waves. This vibration is then used to measure the sound pressure level and frequency of the sound wave.

How Does a Surface Receiving Sound Work?

When sound waves hit a surface receiving sound, the surface is moved by the pressure of the sound waves. This motion is then converted into an electrical signal by the sensor. This signal can then be used to measure the sound pressure level and frequency of the sound wave.

Applications of Surface Receiving Sound

Surface receiving sound is used in many applications, such as acoustic monitoring and speech recognition. It is also used to measure sound levels in buildings for safety reasons, and for acoustic measurements in medical imaging.
Advantages of Surface Receiving Sound
Surface receiving sound is a low-cost, reliable, and accurate way to measure sound levels. It is also easy to install and can be used in a variety of applications. It is also capable of detecting sound waves of different frequencies and intensities.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. sound of dog is ...sound of monkey is ...sound of sheep is ...​


The Sound of Dog is Woof

The sound of Monkey is U'uA'a

The sound of Sheep isMmbeee


The sound of a dog is:


The sound of a monkey is:


The sound of a sheep is :


2. On a smooth surface, a 50kg car stands still, and starts to accelerate after receiving a force of 100N. What is its speed after 10 sec? 50 point


given :

m = 50kg

F = 100N

find the speed (v) after 10 sec?


F = m. a

a = F/m = 100/50 = 2 m/s²

v = a. t

= 2 × 10

= 20m/s

3. Force of . . . is less on a smooth surface than on a rough surface.​

Jawaban :

Kekuatan ... lebih sedikit pada permukaan yang halus dibandingkan pada permukaan yang kasar

4. 4.the teacher is not receiving a guest now(?)...

guru sedang tidak menerima tamu sekarangIs the teacher receive any guest yet?

5. what is tourist receiving areas?

Tourist receiving areas = daerah penerima tamu


Penerima tamu berarti orang yang bertugas menerima dan melayani tamu pada waktu pertama kali tamu masuk hotel; menerima pemesanan kamar, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, seperti melalui telepon, telegram, atau alat komunikasi lainnya

6. The first stage of a sound recording is

First step is you have to prepare the recorder Tracking


7. the surface of a Mirror is smooth but the surface of The Rock is... a. roughb. cruelc. naughtyd. wild​




the surface of a Mirror is smooth but the surface of The Rock is...

A. Rough

b. cruel

c. naughty

d. wild​

8. In wind insturments,sound is produced by a vibrating column of...In wind insturments,sound is produced by a vibrating column of...


gk bsbbhs ingris



9. 50 point need fast kalo perlu ku bayar 10k. On a smooth surface, a 50kg car stands still, and starts to accelerate after receiving a force of 100N. What is its speed after 10 sec?


50 point butuh cepat kalo perlu ku bayar 10k. Pada permukaan yang licin, sebuah mobil bermassa 50 kg berdiri diam, dan mulai dipercepat setelah menerima gaya sebesar 100N. Berapakah kecepatannya setelah 10 sekon?


20 hasilnya

Δp = F Δt  m Δv = F Δt  sehingga :  v = F t /m     (karena v₀ = 0 m/s)  v = 10 k / 50 kg  v = 40 kg adalah 40 .W = 1/2 m v²  W = 1/2 10 k (40 )  W = 100 kg 40 m²/s²  W = 4.000jadi jawaban nya adalah 4.000 sekon

10. one short sound signalis followed a long sound signal continued is the .......alarm​


fire and emergency alarm


Situasi emergency di kapal.

11. the shoes case .... when my mother visited the shop.a. is movedb. was movedc. will be moved d. was being moved​




the shoes case will be moved when my mother visited the shop.

karena ini terlihat masuk akal


a. is moved


Pilihan B itu salah karena was sudah verb 2 jadi tidak boleh verb 2 lagi setelahnya

Pilihan C juga salah karena will digunakan untuk verb-ing bukan verb 2/3

Pilihan D juga salah karena was tidak digunakan untuk verb-ing

Thanks, CMIIW

12. The ... of a sound wave is how high or low the sound is. It refers to the quality of the sound. This depends on the frequency of the sound wave.


Gelombang bunyi adalah seberapa tinggi atau rendah bunyi tersebut. Ini mengacu pada kualitas suara. Hal ini tergantung pada frekuensi gelombang suara.



13. In a test to measure the depth of the sea bed, sound pulses took 0.40s to travel from the surface to the sea bed and back. Given that the speed of sound in the sea water is 1350m/s, calculate the depth of the sea bed below the surface.


Echo sounding

High frequency sound waves can be used to detect objects in deep water and to measure water depth.

The time between a pulse of sound being transmitted and detected and the speed of sound in water can be used to calculate the distance of the reflecting surface or object.

The pcess is very similar to ultrasound imaging.

For deep water, 50 kHz is the preferred frequency of the ultrasound.

This is because water absorbs sound waves at a slower rate than for lower frequencies and so the signal can travel farther before becoming too weak to use.

This technique is applied in sonar systems used to measure the depth of the seabed and to find shipwrecks, submarines and shoals of fish.

SONAR stands for SOund Navigation And Ranging.

Bats and dolphins use a similar method, called echolocation, to detect their surroundings and to find food.


A sonar system on a boat sends an ultrasound pulse towards the seabed.

The pulse is reflected, and it is detected 0.1 s later by the system.

Calculate the depth of water if the speed of sound in water is 1,480 m/s.


distance = speed × time

speed = 1,480 m/s

time for ultrasound to travel to seabed and back again = 0.1 s

time for ultrasound to travel to seabed = 0.1 s ÷ 2 = 0.05 s

distance to seabed = 1,480 × 0.05 = 74 m

The depth of water is 74 m

aim so sorry so wrong

14. what is sound......?​


what is sound


Sound adalah segala sesuatu yang kita dengar dan sampai ke telinga. Suara musik, gemericik air, kicauan burung, ledakan dinamit, dan apapun yang sobat pembaca dengar itu tergolong sound. Pendek kata, sound adalah sensasi (pengalaman atau rasa yang dialami/diterima oleh telinga kita).

Sound is everything we hear and reach into our ears. The sound of music, the rustling of water, the chirping of birds, the explosion of dynamite, and whatever your fellow readers hear is sound. In short, sounds are sensations (experiences or feelings that our ears experience / receive).

semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban tercerdas



Dalam fisika, bunyi atau suara adalah getaran yang merambat sebagai gelombang akustik, melatih media transmisi seperti gas, cairan atau padat. Dalam fisiologi dan psikologi manusia, suara adalah penerimaan gelombang dan persepsi mereka oleh otak


maaf kalo salah ya

15. The loudness of a sound is the __________ of the sound.​




The loudness of a sound relates the intensity of any given sound to the intensity at the threshold of hearing. It is measured in decibels (dB). The threshold of human hearing has an intensity of about .

I'm sorry if my answer is incorrect

16. the white board ... by the school officer last week.a. are movedb. is movedc. was movedd. be movede. were moved​


e. were moved










sehat selalu

c. was moved ✔️

Last week (pekan lalu) → ini kalimat Simple pastTo be Simple past: was (u/ singular) dan were (u/ plural).Whiteboard cuman 1 → gunakan wasWas + V3 → was moved


17. boat-A-Moved-Is-by-sailing-whin-the

a boat ismoved the whin by sailling A boat moved the sailing by is whin.
maaf kalau salah semoga membantu.

18. What is a Sound ? Give reason why Sound is not hear by our eyes?​


Apakah Suara itu? Berikan alasan mengapa Suara tidak terdengar oleh mata kita?

jadi maksud dari pertanyaannya gimana? kurang jelas dek.


Suara apa itu? Berikanlah alasan,mengapa Suara tidak bisa terdengar oleh mata kita?


Terjemahan nya hehehe^^ll

19. What is a sound recording ?


A sound recording is like you record sound with a microphone and you voice is your sound recording


Ini bukan B. Inggris dek, ini Teknologi

20. a sound wave is characterized

pertanyaan ini msk fisika yahh??

A Surface Receiving Sound Is Moved. There are any A Surface Receiving Sound Is Moved in here.

250 Days From Now

250 Days From Now is a concept that focuses on setting goals and taking action to achieve them in 250 days. It encourages us to focus on the future and take steps every day to make progress towards our goals. This can be a great way to stay motivated and to start working towards something that we want to achieve. **Question: How can 250 Days From Now help us?** 250 Days From Now can help us stay motivated and focused on achieving our goals. It encourages us to set realistic goals, take action every day, and track our progress over the course of 250 days. This can be a great way to stay motivated and to stay on track with our goals.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. apa arti dari now days there is a

hari sekarang adalah...hari ini ada sebuah...

2. Translate the following sentences into Indonesia! a.Mira has been sick for two days now. b.We actually didn't expect more attention from the public

Terjemahkan ke dalam b.indo;
a. Mira has been sick for two days now.
= Mira sudah sakit selama dua hari sekarang.

b. We actually didn't expect more attention from the public
= Kami sebenarnya tidak berharap mendapatkan lebih banyak perhatian dari publik.

Semoga membantu

3. how about now after almost ten days at home​


The virus has no signs of disappearing and homework is very much, more than when school is offline. I hope this virus disappears quickly :)

4. What is your opinion about indonesian teenegers now a days?

I think, Indonesian's teenagers habits especially by using internet, is so dangerous although have benefits like make us easy to get information about what happend to this world which just need few seconds (of course that's depend on how fast your internet speed :D). Why? Because in Internet, we can find anything we want including the bad things like smelling pornography and others. So, now a days as teens, we must to be cleaver and don't be easily influenced that the bad things. That's all, thanks.

Semoga bermanfaat.
it's full of freak. But they use to have many experience and full of polite for some years ago.

5. how many days are lefl to submit the paper now​

For me it's 1 weak or 7 day's

6. my Appoint with DR.jont is two days form now​


My appointment with Dr.Jont is in two days from now.

7. I have submitted my paper for the conference since two days ago. And now, the committee members _____ the whole material from all the attendants.



I have submitted my paper for the conference since two days ago. And now, the committee members _____ the whole material from all the attendants.


I have submitted my paper for the conference since two days ago. And now, the committee members asked for all the materials from all the attendees.

I Hope This Help☁️

8. Days of the week are Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday s. Week days are 5 days from Monday until Friday. Weekend are 2 days from Saturday to Sunday 2. What day is it? It's Monday​


hari rabu


Hari dalam seminggu adalah Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu Minggu s. Hari minggu adalah 5 hari dari Senin sampai Jumat. Akhir pekan adalah 2 hari dari Sabtu sampai Minggu 2. Hari apa itu? Ini hari Senin hari Rabu



2. What day is it?

It is Saturday.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Days (nama hari) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Semoga membantu ya.

9. i (not,get) a letter from her two days ago.

i didn't get a letter from her two days ago
i got a letter from her two days ago.kalau kata lampau 

'did+not' ( didn't )
'get'    got digunakan untuk bentuk past tense atau lampau
jadi not di ganti ''didn't'', dan get di ganti ''got''

10. i... him two days ago but i don't know where he ... now​


i saw him two days ago but I don't know where he is now​

Saw and Is

semoga membantu maaf jika salah, jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik ya



I and him two days ago but I don't know where he moment now


semoga membantu



11. What is your opinion about indonesian teenegers now a days?

Indonesian natural resources very good, but indonesia there were still many corruption

12. now a days machines are used in many aspects

Translatenya : Sekarang mesin hari digunakan dalam banyak aspekMesin zaman sekarang sudah digunakan oleh banyak aspek

13. my appoint with dr.jont is tow days form now​


My appointment with Dr. Jont is in two days from now​.

14. buatlah annuoncement minimal 1 paragraf dengan tema You announcement that your teacher ask the students to submit their assignment at least 5 days later from now

Listen here guys. I've just met Mrs. Ross and she wanted me to tell you guys the assignments that she gave to us should be submitted at least 5 days later from now on.

15. my appoint with dr.jont is tow days form now​

I think it's supposed to be;
My appointment with Dr.Jont is two days from now.

16. mana kata-kata berikut ini yang termasuk present continious & present simple... usually, this year, every day, once a month, currently, at the moment, these days, now, often, now a days. makasih

Present Continuous Tense: currently, at the moment, now, now a day.

Simple Present Tense: Usually, This Year, Every Day, Once a Month, These Days, Often

17. I...a letter from her two days ago(not,get)

I (get) a letter blablablai get a letter from her two days ago

18. Now days people send letters using the fax machine,___

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- oOOOo .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.

=> Faximile

======== Semoga membantu! \ ^o^ / ========

****Murid kelas 12 MIPA SMA yang baik hati dan tidak sombong****

====> Kunjungi profilku! <====

19. I.......on it for days, it's nearly finished now. (to work)




Gugel Trenselt

20. Buat text berjudul Experience of Corona Days. Minimal 250 kata dan 25 baris

Experience of corona days

It starts with a fever. That’s the most common symptom among patients infected by the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the world.

The virus, which causes a disease known as COVID-19, has now reached more than 150 countries. The US has reported more than 8,000 cases and nearly 129 deaths.

A study of nearly 140 patients at the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University identified a typical pattern of symptoms associated with COVID-19. About 99% of the patients developed a high temperature, while more than half experienced fatigue and a dry cough. About a third also experienced muscle pain and difficulty breathing.

Research from the Chinese Center for Disease Control suggests that about 80% of coronavirus cases are mild. About 15% of patients have gotten severe cases, and 5% have become critically ill.

Here’s how symptoms progress among typical patients:

Day 1: Patients run a fever. They may also experience fatigue, muscle pain, and a dry cough. A small minority may have had diarrhea or nausea one to two days before.

Day 5: Patients may have difficulty breathing – especially if they are older or have a preexisting health condition.

Day 7: This is how long it takes, on average, before patients are admitted to a hospital, according to the Wuhan University study.

Day 8: At this point, patients with severe cases (15%, according to the Chinese CDC) develop acute respiratory distress syndrome, an illness that occurs when fluid builds up the lungs. ARDS is often fatal.

Day 10: If patients have worsening symptoms, this is the time in the disease’s progression when they’re most likely to be admitted to the ICU. These patients probably have more abdominal pain and appetite loss than patients with milder cases. Only a small fraction die: The current fatality rate hovers at about 2%.

Day 17: On average, people who recover from the virus are discharged from the hospital after 2.5 weeks.

The first symptoms, however, may not come right after a person has been infected. The virus’ average incubation period is about five days.

Once symptoms do appear, they can be similar to those of pneumonia. But Paras Lakhani, a radiologist at Thomas Jefferson University, told Business Insider that COVID-19 can be distinguished from pneumonia because of the way it worsens over time.

“Pneumonia usually doesn’t rapidly progress,” Lakhani said. “Typically, most hospitals will treat with antibiotics and patients will stabilize and then start to get better.”

Coronavirus patients, however, can get worse even after they receive treatment such as fluids or steroids. One case study found that three days after a 33-year-old woman started receiving treatment at a hospital in Lanzhou, her case was more pronounced than when she arrived.

In total, the new coronavirus has killed more than 8,200 people and infected more than 204,000. The number of cases reported outside China has now surpassed those reported within the country, where the virus originated in December.

I hope this helpful :)

250 Days From Now. There are any 250 Days From Now in here.

1 2 3 7

What is 1 2 3 7?

1 2 3 7 is a mathematical game that helps students learn to recognize and work with numerical sequences. The game involves a sequence of numbers, and the goal is to find the next number in the sequence.

How to Play 1 2 3 7

To play 1 2 3 7, the player is given a sequence of numbers and must find the next number in the sequence. For example, if the sequence is 1, 2, 3, the player must find the number 7. To do this, the player must identify the pattern in the sequence and use it to determine the next number.

Skills Developed with 1 2 3 7

Playing 1 2 3 7 helps students develop pattern recognition and problem-solving skills. It also encourages students to think logically and use their math skills to solve the problem.
Strategies for Solving 1 2 3 7
The key to solving 1 2 3 7 is to identify the pattern in the sequence and use it to determine the next number. For example, if the sequence is 1, 4, 7, the player can recognize that the pattern is adding 3 each time, so the next number in the sequence would be 10.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

1. - (1 1/3)^3 + (-2/3)^3 - (1/2)^-4 - 1/(-1/7)^-3 - (2/3)^-1 + (2/3)^-2 - 1/(-1/7)^-3 + (1/7)^-3

Maaf kurang mengerti dan saya jawab karna ingin mendapat poin biar bisa ngasih pertanyaan lgi

2. 1 2/7 +2 1/7 +3 3/7 =..... ​


6 2/7

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

3. Hasil dari 1 1/2 : 3 1/2 adalah ..... 1/7 2/7 3/7 4/7

ini jawabanku semoga membantu kamu ya

penjelasan dan langkah-langkah

3/2x 2/7 =3/7


semoga bermanfaat dan membantu

4. 3 2\3 +1 3/7 :2 1/7​


3 2/3 + 1 3/7 : 2 1/7

= 3 2/3 + 10/7 : 15/7

= 3 2/3 + 2/3

= 3 4/3


3 2/3 = 11/3

1 3/7 = 10/7

2 1/7 = 15/7

11/3 + (10/7 : 15/7)

= 11/3 + (10/7 x 7/15)

= 11/3 + 70/105

= 385/105 + 70/105

= 455/105

= 91/21

= 13/3

= 4 1/3

5. 3 2/3 + 1 3/7 : 2 1/7=?

[tex]3 \frac{2}{3} + 1 \frac{3}{7} : 2 \frac{1}{7} [/tex]
[tex] \frac{11}{3}+ \frac{10}{7}: \frac{15}{7} [/tex]
[tex] \frac{11}{3} + \frac{10}{7} x \frac{7}{15} [/tex]
[tex] \frac{11}{3} + \frac{10}{15} = \frac{55+10}{15} [/tex]
[tex] \frac{65}{15} = \frac{13}{3} [/tex]
semoga membantu :)3 2/3 + 1 3/7 : 2 1/7
= 11/13 + (10/7 : 15/7)
= 11/13 + (10/15)
= 65/15

Maaf jika salah.
semoga membantu

6. 2 2/3 + 1 3/7 : 2 1/7

Mapel Math
Bab Pecahan

Penyelesaian :
2 2/3 + ( 1 3/7 ÷ 2 1/7 )
= 8/3 + ( 10/7 ÷ 15/7 )
= 8/3 + ( 10/7 × 7/15 )
= 8/3 + 2/3
= 10/3
= 3 1/3

Semoga Membantu2 2/3+(1 3/7: 2 1/7)
=3 1/3

7. 2 4/7+1/7 - 1 2/7 A.2 3/7 B.2 1/7 C.1 3/7 D.1 1/7


= 18/7 + 1/7 - 9/7

karena dah sama penyebutnya, jadi..

= 18+1-9 per 7

= 10/7

= 1 3/7

C ya jawabannya, thanks me later

2 4/7 + 1/7 - 1 2/7

18/7 + 1/7 - 9/7 = 10/7 atau 1 3/7 (C)

8. (3 ^-1 × 7^2)^-1 (3/7)^2

(3 ^-1 × 7^2)^-1 (3/7)^2
=1/(1/3 × 7^2) (3/7)^2
=1/(49/3) (9/49)
= 3/49 × 9/49
= 3^3/7^4

semoga membantu.

9. (3 ^-1 × 7^2)^-1 (3/7)^2


(3⁻¹. 7²)⁻¹ . (3/7)² =

= 3¹. 7⁻². 3². 7⁻²

= 3³. 7⁻⁴

= 3³/7⁴ = 27/ 2401(3 ^-1 × 7^2)^-1 (3/7)^2
=1/(1/3 × 7^2) (3/7)^2
=1/(49/3) (9/49)
= 3/49 × 9/49
= 3^3/7^4

semoga membantu.

10. 2 2/3 + 1 3/7 + 2 1/7=​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

2 2/3 + 1 3/7 + 2 1/7

= 8/3 + 10/7 + 15/7

= 56/21 + 30/21 + 45/21

= 131/21

= 6 5/21

11. 2 2/3+1 3/7:2 1/7 adalah

Mapel : Matematika
Bab : Operasi Hitung Pecahan

2 2/3 + 1 3/7 : 2 1/7
= 2 2/3 + ( 10/7 : 15/7 )
= 2 2/3 + ( 10/7 x 7/15 )
= 2 2/3 + 10/15
= 2 2/3 + 2/3
= 2 4/3
= 3 1/32⅔ + 1 3/7 : 2 1/7
= 8/3 + 10/7 : 15/7
=8/3 + 70/105
= 280/105+ 70/105
=3 7/21
=3 ⅓

12. 5 3/7 - 2 1/7=(5-2)+(3/7-1/7)=​


3 2/7

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

5 3/7 - 2 1/7

= (5-2) + (3/7-1/7)

= 3 + 2/7

= 3 2/7

13. 2/2/3+1/3/7:2/1/7=??​


2 2/3+1 3/7: 2 1/7=


56/14,+20/14x7/15 =

76/14x7/5=532/70=7 42/70

14. 1 3/7 : 2 1/7 + 3 2/3?

1 3/7 =10/7
2 1/7=15/7 =10/7×7/15
=2/3+3 2/3 =3 4/3
=4 1/3jawaban=10/7 x 7/15 +11/3 =10/15 =2/3+11/3 =13/3=4 1/3

15. 7 3/10+ 2 1/2= 7 10/12 - 3 1/3= 9 3/4 - 7 1/6 = 2 1/4 - 1 2/5= 8 3/4 - 1 3/7= 2 2/7 - 2 1/21=




16. 3 2/3 + 1 3/7 : 2 1/7 =

= 3 2/3 + 1 3/7 : 2 1/7.
= 11/3 + 10/7 : 15/7.
= 11/3 + 10/7 × 7/15.
= 11/3 + 70/105.
= 385/105 + 70/105.
= 455/105.
= 4 35/105.
= 4 1/3.

17. 2 2/3 + 1 3/7 : 2 1/7=​


1 41/45

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Pertama rubah pecahan tersebut ke dalam bentuk pecahan biasa ( bukan pecahan campuran, kemudian selesaikan pembagian dahulu setelah nya baru di jumlahkan..

18. 3 1/7+3/7+5/7= 7/15+3 2/15+5 1/15= 2 1/5+2/5= 1 3/10+1 2/3+1 1/2=



2. 26/3

3. 13/5


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1. 22/7 + 3/7 + 5/7 = 30/7

2. 7/15 + 47/15 + 76/15 = 130/15 = 26/3

3. 11/5 + 2/5 = 13/5

4. 13/10 + 5/3 + 3/2 = 39/30 + 50/30 + 45/30 = 134/30 = 67/15

semoga bisa membantu:)

19. 3 2/3+1 3/7+2 1/7 adalah​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

3 2/3 + 1 3/7 + 2 1/7

=> 11/3 + 10/3 + 15/7

disamakan penyebutnya:

=> 77/21 + 70/21 + 45/21

=> 192/21

=> 9 3/21 atau 9 1/7

semoga benar dan membantu.

20. 1) √7/√7-2 = 2) (3+√7)(3-√7) =


1) -1

2) 2

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1) √7/√7= 1 jadi 1-2=-1


1 2 3 7. There are any 1 2 3 7 in here.

1 4 Hours In Minutes

1 4 Hours In Minutes

What is a Hour?

A hour is a unit of time equal to 60 minutes. It is usually measured as a part of a day and is used to measure short periods of time.

What is a Minute?

A minute is a unit of time equal to 60 seconds. It is usually used to measure short periods of time, such as the time it takes to travel from one place to another or the time it takes to complete a task.

How Many Minutes in 1 4 Hours?

1 4 hours is equal to 240 minutes. To calculate this, simply multiply the number of hours (1 4) by the number of minutes in an hour (60). The result is 240 minutes.

Example Calculation

1 4 hours x 60 minutes = 240 minutes
1 4 hours is equal to 240 minutes. This can be easily calculated by multiplying the number of hours by the number of minutes in an hour.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. How many hours do the competitions take in total? A. 3 hours 45 minutesB. 4 hoursC. 4 hours 30 minutesD. 5 hours

There are 3 competitions: tug-of-war, relay race, and ball rolling, that held from 07.15 to 11.00. So,
11.00 - 07.15 = 3.45
Ans: A. 3 hours 45 minutes.A. 3 hours 45 minutes

2. 240 minutes = ...... hours 1,5 hours = ...... minutes 360 minutes = ...... hours


240 minutes = 4 hours

1,5 hours = 90 minutes

360 minutes = 6 hours

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 hours = 60 minutes


1.240 minutes = 4 hours2. 1,5 hours = 90 minutes 3. 360 minutes = 6 hours

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


3. Calculate 4/9 of 5 days, give your answer in days, hours and minutes (x days y hours z minutes).

Jawab:x=2.222 days or 20/9 days

            y=53.333 hours or 160/3 hours

            z=3200 minutes



in 5 days=1440X5=7200minutes/5 days

4/9 of 5 days =4/9 x 7200 minutes

                       z=3200 minutes



x=20/9 days or 2.222 days


1 day = 24 hours

5 days = 24x5

5 days=120 hours

4/9 of 5 days=4/9 x 120 hours

y=160/3hours or 53.333 hours

4. 195 minutes = ...hours ...minutes...​


195 minutes = 2 hours 35 minutes

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 hour = 60 minutes

5. 1.what time ia on the clock?2.what Time Will it be in 3 hours?3.what time was it in 2 hours ago?4.what time was it 1 hour and 20 minutes ago?5.what Time Will it be in 4 hours and 40 minutes?​


1. jam berapa di jam saya?

2. Jam berapa dalam 3 jam?

3. jam berapa 2 jam yang lalu?

4. Jam berapa 1 jam 20 menit yang lalu?

5.Waktu berapa dalam 4 jam dan 40 menit?


1. 8 o' clock

2. 11 o' clock

3. 6 o' clock

4. 7 o' clock 20 minutes

5. 12 o' clock 40 minutez

6. 3/4 hours + 72 minutes

1 Hours = 60minutes

3/4×60 = 180/4 = 45minutes
72minutes = 1hours 12minutes

1hours 12minutes + 45minutes = 1hours 57minutes

7. Jack can complete autumn - cleaning in a house in 7 hours. Cindy can complete autumn - cleaning in the same house in 5 hours. If Jack works for 1 hour alone and then Cindy joins Jack to finish the autumn cleaning, what is the total time it takes to complete the autumn - cleaning? A. 3 hours, 30 minutes B. 3 hours 15 minutes C. 2 hours, 30 minutes D. 2 hours, 15 minutes E. 2 hours, 20 minutes Jawabannya adalah A tetapi caranya bagaimana?


C. 2 jam 30 menit

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Bisa lihat di lampiran :D

*kok jawaban kita beda :(

8. From 10:55 a.m. ti 4:35 p.m the elapsed time isA. 3 hours 50 minutesB. 5 hours 40 minutesC. 7 hours 20 minutes​


B. 5 hours 40 minutes


moga membantu —


b. 5 hours 40 minutes


karena 10.55 + B (5 hours 40 minutes)

semoga membantu

jadikan tercedas please

9. 5. A motorcycle travels 105 km in 24 hours.Find the distance the motorcycle can coverin 1 hours 40 minutes? ​


7291,67 meter

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Diketahui kecepaan motor adalah 105km/24jam

Ditanya seberapa jauh motor bergerak dalam 1 jam 40 menit?

Pertama, ubah dulu satuan kecepatannya menjadi meter/jam

105.000 m / 24 jam = 4375 m/jam

Ubah waktu ke satuan jam

1 jam 40 menit = 1 + 2/3 jam = 5/3 jam

Jika sudah diketahui kecepatannya perjam, tinggal cari jawaban

V=s/t maka s=V.t

s = 4375 x 5/3 = 7291,67 meter

semoga membantu

10. 1 1⁄/2 hours = minutesplease jelas​

Jawab: 90 minutes

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 jam = 60 menit

Berarti kalau setengah jam 60 : 2 =30 menit

60 + 30 = 90 menit


90 minutes

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 hours = 60 minutes

1 1/2 hours  = 1 1/2 x 60 minutes

1 1/2 hours  = 90 minutes

11. 1.what time wil be in 3 hours and 10 minutes 2.what time was it 2 hours 40 minutes 3.what time will be in 5 hours 4.what time will it 2 hours 5.what time wa it 1 hour and 30 minutes a go?

1. it will be 12:10

2. it was 6:20

3. it will be 14:00

4. It will be 11:00

5. it was 7:30

12. 135 minutes = ..... hours ..... minutes


2 hours 15 minutes

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

60 minutes is 1 Hours

120 minutes is 2 Hours

= 135 hours - 120 Hours

= 15 Minutes

So, 135 minutes = 2 hours 15 minutes

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

is know :

1 hours = 60 minutes


135 : 60 = 2,25 Hours

135 minutes = 2 Hours 15 minutes

=======================Answer Details:

• Subjects: Mathematics

• class : 3

• Material: Time measurement

I hope this helps!

13. days + 27 hours + 240 minutesNO= ... hours​

Jawab :

1 hari =24 jam

27 jam =27 jam

240 menit =4 jam

24+27+4= 55 jam

14. 4.200 minutes = .... hours ​


70 (seventeen) hours :)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa

maaf kalau salah



70 hours

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 hours= 60 minutes

4.200 minutes= 4.200: 60 =70 hours

15. 1.what time ks shown on the clock? 2. What time will it be in 3 hours? 3. What time was it an hour and 20 minutes ago? 4. What time wii it be in 4 hours and 40 minutes?

gambar jamnya mana yg menunjukkan waktu skr?

16. what time will it be in 1 hours and 5 minutes?​


ten twenty-five or twenty-five minutes past ten or thirty-five minutes to eleven


Current time : 09 : 20

after 1 hours and 5 minutes should be about 10:25

17. convert decimal time to hours and minutes in excel

1. Select a blank cell which you want to output the converted result, and enter this formula =A2/24, drag fill handle over the cells you need. See screenshot:

2. Keep the formula cells highlighted, and right click to show context menu and select Format Cells. And in the Format Cells dialog, select Time from the Category list, and choose one time type as you need from right section. See screenshot:

3. Click OK. Now the decimal hours have been converted to time format.

Note: if you want to convert decimal minutes to time format, you can apply this formula =A2/1440, and then format the cells as the time format you want. See screenshot:

18. 1. 1 Year =. . . . . Minutes ? 2. 1 Month =. . . . . Minutes ? 3. 1 Week =. . . . . Minutes ? 4. 1 Day =. . . . . Minutes ? 5. 24 Hours =. . . . . Minutes ? ​


1 year=525600 minutes

1 month=43800.048 minutes

1 week=10080 minutes

1 day =1440 minutes

24 hours=1440 minutes


semoga bermanfaat!!- selamat belajar!

maaf kalau salah


1.1 year = 12 month = 360 day = 1.440 x 360 = 518.400minutes.

2.1 Month = 30 day, 1 day = 1.440 x 30 = 43.200minutes.

3. 1 Week = 7 day, 1 day = 1.440 minutes = 1.440 x 7 = 10.080minutes

4. 1 day = 24 hours, 60 x 24 = 1.440minutes

5. 60 minutes = 1 hours, 60 x 24 = 1.440minutes

Semoga bermanfaat!!

19. a) What time is on the clock? b) What time will it be in 3 hours? c) What time was it 1 hour and 20 minutes ago? d) What time will it be in 4 hours and 40 minutes? a) What time is on the clock? b) What time will it be in 5 hours? c) What time was it 3 hour and 30 minutes ago? d) What time will it be in 1 hours and 50 minutes?

8.00 a clock

karna itu jam 8


Maaf kalo salah

20. How long the journey to New York, if you go from Dublin?a. 8 hours 45 minutesb. 10 hours 25 minutesc. 12 hours 50 minutesd. 7 hours 30 minutes​


D.7 hours 30 minutes



d, semoga membantu, maaf kalo salah

1 4 Hours In Minutes. There are any 1 4 Hours In Minutes in here.

328 Feet To Meters

The 328 Feet To Meters topic is a conversion of a length measurement from imperial units to metric units. It is a simple conversion, and can be done using a basic formula: one foot is equal to 0.3048 meters. So, if we want to convert 328 feet to meters, we can multiply 328 by 0.3048, and we will get the answer of 99.736 meters. **How many meters are in 328 feet?** 328 feet is equal to 99.736 meters.

Related Video:

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. the huge whale shark can be more than 50 feet ( 15 meters) long

hiu paus dapat memiliki pqnjang lebih dari 50 kaki(25 meter)

2. Jelaskan 1 feet to meter

1 feet = 0,3048 meter

3. Sebutkan how do you convert meters to centimeters centimeters to millimeters?


kamu dapat mengubah meter ke centimeter dengan mengalikannya dengan bilangan 100, sedangkan centimeter ke milimeter dengan cara mengalikannya dengan angka 10

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

You can convert meters to centimeters by multiplying by 100, while centimeters to millimeters by multiplying by 10


5 m = 500 cm

4 cm = 40mm

4. we use our feet to plis jawab ka​


We use our feet to Walk


Semoga membantu :)


we use our feet to walk / walking



5. A. 0,0903 metersB. 0,9030 metersC. 9,003 metersD. 0,195 meters ​


B.0,9030 meters


maaf kalo salah semoga membantu


B.. 0,9030 meters itu jawaban yang benar

6. A. 6,73 metersB. 7,378 metersC. 0,0695 metersD. 0,00773 meters​




karena skala pertama menunjukkan 6 m

dan skala ke 2 adalah 73

7. 28-328-328-3...=.... Mohon bantuannya


semoga membantu dan bermanfaat

8. How tall is the giraffe?a.Five metersb.four metersd.six meters ​


a. Five meters


The giraffe, with its long neck, is the tallest living animal. Males are able to reach a height of 18ft (5.5m). Male giraffes tend to be taller than females.

Semoga Membantu✌

9. Llama can spit saliva up to 3 meters. ubah ke kalimat (-) dan (?)​

Jawaban:(-)Llama can't spit Saliva up to 3 meters,(?)can llama spit Saliva up to 3 meters?


10. 25. How tall is Eiffel Tower ? It is ....a. 1000 metersb. 300 metersc. 300 feetd. 100 feet.26. In which country is Eiffel Tower located ?It is in....a. Parisb. FranceC Frenchd. Italy27. How do the visitors go to the top of the Eiffel Tower?a. On footb. By carC. By liftd. By escalator​






Semoga Membantu :")


25.b.300 meters

26.a.prancis car


maaf klo salah

11. A clothesline rope is 8 feet long. Which of these is another way to express 8 feet?.

Panjang 1 feet adalah 30,48 cm. Maka jika 8 feet diubah ke satuan lain dapat menghasilkan 243,84 cm.


Satuan merupakan suatu besaran dalam matematika. Satuan terdiri atas dua jenis, yaitu:

Satuan Baku

Satuan baku merupakan satuan yang telah disepakati secara internasional dan digunakan secara luas dalam masyarakat. Satuan baku merupakan satuan resmi yang digunakan. Contoh satuan baku yang digunakan, yaitu:

1. Satuan panjang = meter, kilometer, centimeter, dekameter, hektometer, desimeter, milimeter.

2. Satuan suhu = celcius, reamur, fahrenheit, kelvin.

3. Satuan berat = kilogram, gram, miligram, hektogram, dekagram, ton, kuintal.

4. Satuan waktu = hari, tahun, bulan, jam, menit, detik.

5. Satuan volume = liter, mililiter.

6. Satuan gaya = newton, dyne.

Satuan Tidak Baku

Satuan tidak baku dapat diartikan sebagai satuan yang digunakan dalam masyarakat namun tidak resmi. Satuan tidak baku menghasilkan nilai yang berbeda-beda apabila dilakukan pengukuran oleh beberapa orang. Contoh satuan tidak baku, yaitu:

1. Jengkal

2. Depa

3. Langkah kaki

4. Jam pasir

5. Hasta

6. Gelas

7. Tali

8. Tongkat

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang satuan baku pada

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

12. i use a ________ in my feet to go to school​


I use a shoe in my feet to go to school


pair of proper shoes (jamak) karena kalau shoe saja berarti hanya 1 kaki yang pakai sepatu.

13. 28-328-328-3... = ....




maaf kalau jawaban saya salah

14. terjemahan kedslm bhs Indonesia 2.The length of a whale is ....A. ranges from 30 meters to more than30 metersB. generally more than 30 metersC. may be more than 30 metersD. less than 30 metersE. 30 meters at the most​


b.pada umumnya lebih dari 30 meter

c.mungkin lebih dari 30 meter

d.kurang dari 30 meter

e.hampir mencapai 30 meter

maaf yang A kurang tahu

15. "it grows to be 10 feet...." it in the sentence refers to


Something that grows and becomes 10 times



Jika mahkotanya keluar. Ingatt yaaa?

16. 5/12 × 328 7/12 × 328

5/12 × 328
= 1640/12
= 136 8/12
= 136 2/3
= 136,667

7/12 × 328
= 2296/12
= 191 4/12
= 191 1/3
= 191,333

17. I go to school on Feet (to/ so that )Save my money​


so that


semoga membantu

18. There is a library in my school. It is on the second floor. It is about seven meters wide and ten meters long. There are eleven bookshelves in the library. They are full of books. Students visiting to library because it is quiet, cool, and comfortable to read in itHow many meters the library area is?A. 7 meters B. 10 meters C. 17 meters D. 70 meters​



C.17 meters.


Di teks tersebut telah dijelaskan: It is about seven meters wide and ten meters long.

in conclusion:

7+10 =

C. 17 meters.


19. 1.³√328=2.⁴√64²=3. ⁵√328=​

jawaban dan langkah langkah:

[tex]1.3 \sqrt{328} \\ 3 \times 2 \sqrt{28} \\ = 6 \sqrt{82} \\ \\ 2.4 \sqrt{64 {}^{2} } \\ \sqrt{64 {}^{2} } \\ |64| \\ 4 \times 64 \\ = 256 \\ \\ 3.5 \sqrt{238} \\ 5 \times 2 \sqrt{28} \\ = 10 \sqrt{82} [/tex]


semoga membantu, maaf kalau salah...




= ³√(8 × 41)

= ³√(2³ × 41)

= 2³41



= ⁴√(8²)²

= ⁴√8⁴

= 8


⁵√328 = ...

20. 32-328-328-3....=..

32-328-328-3..28= -952

maaf kalo salah

328 Feet To Meters. There are any 328 Feet To Meters in here.